B. HOWARD profile picture


you GIVE new LIFE to people you're in contact with.. its like you LEAVE a PEACE of you WITH EACH PER

About Me

" TOUT CE QUE TON COEUR DESIRE , TU L'OBTIEN ... " Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.. ANYTHING ELSE JUST ASK .. ..

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

KAITLEN..... I ASKED GOD FOR U... U ARE MY SPECIAL GIFT THAT WILL FOREVER GIVE!....................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ . NICK.. YOU ARE MY BROTHER I ASKED FOR YOU TOO... BUT I DIDNT EXPECT MY NIECE AMANDA !! ;) FUN PERSONALITY TEST RESULT lol : B., you're a Skydiver!You're open minded, extroverted, free-spirited, and independent. Chances are you'repretty liberal. You're like a magnet for love and affection. People adore you. And, thanksto that healthy dose of self-confidence, you're super-flexible.Chances are, you're a great leader at work. You're also a self-starter and will alwaysvolunteer to take on a job. You're also an excellent communicator and tend to spreadyour enthusiasm to others.And that's just scratching the surface!
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I love to listen to all music...


I like a lot of black and white 30's movies, comedies horror films. there are a lot of movies that i watch. i cant think of em all ;)





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my brother my sister the musichttp://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/hoteck/daughter/rose.j pg ....http://img35.photobucket.com/albums/v106/IchabodDepp/Jus t%20Johnny/Movies/Edward%20Scissorhands/edward322.jpg http://bigshadow.net/data/edward/ed284.jpg

My Blog


Shane.. I see you man! >>>>> !GLORIA MIKA... you ELECTRIC LADY1!!>>>2FACE IDIBIA >> see this type a tille lol!!>>>BLAZE AND JEI SAVANNAH>>> YOU ALL ARE DEFINATELY INKREDIBLE!! ERICA DICKERSON...........
Posted by B. HOWARD on Fri, 18 May 2007 09:54:00 PST

new poem from friend

Listen closely you will heara sound so soft and sweetdistant rhythm calls to mea gentle dancing beata melody that wandersdancing through the airand when my ears can hear itI know that you are therelov...
Posted by B. HOWARD on Fri, 04 May 2007 03:37:00 PST

Sweet Poem From A Freind.. Thank You

Hey my savior , Can you find the right melody who could fall perfectly on my words ? I'm dreaming to hear you to tell me theses words . Feel free to correct my broken english ... Imagine when you will...
Posted by B. HOWARD on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 01:03:00 PST

This Years Grammy Nominated Albums

Category 35Best Rap Album (For albums containing 51% or more playing time of VOCAL tracks.)Lupe Fiasco's Food & LiquorLupe Fiasco[1st & 15th/Atlantic] Best Contemporary R&B Album (For albums containin...
Posted by B. HOWARD on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 05:17:00 PST

MY BIO......

At age twenty-four, B. Howard has managed to successfully make a namefor himself as an established producer, singer, songwriter andmusician in a short amount of time. ..Within five years he'saccomplis...
Posted by B. HOWARD on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 08:22:00 PST


Some Times I Get Caught Up Workin Or Traveling.. And I Neglect Some Of You By Way Of Not Calling.. Or Unintentionally Planning A Visit.. Then Ending Up At The Studio.. I Wanted To Apologize To Everyon...
Posted by B. HOWARD on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 06:23:00 PST

It's weird how women can be ....

Down on their knees , they can beg men to love them ...They can give more than men can ask trough a lot of little attentions everyday. They act like that , because a man can become more precious than ...
Posted by B. HOWARD on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 12:26:00 PST


THIS IS NOT DIRECTED TO -RESPECTFUL- PERSONS WIH PAGES DEDICATED TO CELEBRITY ARTISTS Whats up peeps. .Ive sadly noticed that alot of people pretend to be people that they are not ( literally ).. And ...
Posted by B. HOWARD on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:41:00 PST

Why I Changed My Relationship Status... Misunderstood....

Well.. What i meant by " In A Relationship " is that Im In Love with Music... It is theone of the only things that keeps me happy and that i see everyday lol... Music ispractically my Wife and Somethi...
Posted by B. HOWARD on Wed, 10 May 2006 03:38:00 PST


I was shocked, confused, bewildered as I entered Heaven's door, Not by the beauty of it all, nor the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in Heaven who made m...
Posted by B. HOWARD on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 06:55:00 PST