Paris New York Courteilles
envoyé par arnaudbouin
N A M E L E S S, Cocorosie, Moriarty, Busy P, Boys Noize, Daft Punk, Digitalism, Uffie, Justice, Hearthrob, SkuLL_MisSah, La Luciole, DJ Dee Nice, Anthony and the Johnsons, Arcade Fire, The Streets, The Kooks, Zero seven, Scissor Sisters, Abba, Laakso, Eugenio Bracco, Radiohead, Damien Rice, Jack Johnson, John Butler, Tracy Chapman, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Sublime , Counting crowds, Paolo Nutini, REM, The Beatles, Police, Gainsbourg, M , Piaf, Brel, Soko...
S E X A N D T H E C I T Y, The L word, The very late show with Conan O'Brien, La antomia de Grey, Les femmes au foyer desespérées ... I love intellectual shows like Next, Elimidate, Blind date...
Molière, MAUPASSANT, Balzac, C A M U S, Romain Gary, Nothomb, Bernard Werber, Houellebecq, Tonino Benacquista... Oscar Wilde, Dorian Gray, Steinbeck,Tennessee Williams,Nabokov, Amistead Maupin, William Golding, Hubert Selby (The Demon), Stephen Clarke (a year in the merde is too funny), Stephan Sweig, Frank Conroy...
93 year old grand dad Bergil Chébou + Balthazar