Irockable togo inc is a music and clothing production since 2002.Based in Canada, originated in Jamaica and now making expansions in the US & UK.Our aim is to simply integrate the clothesing line with our way of life and also to bring cultural music to the nation.The mere presence of the circle and the square in our logo is to establish the equality of a same sex gender rights and movements.Both the circle and the square is 360 in degree thus make them equal,which has been depicted clearly in the 1930 coranation of Emperor Haile SelassieI & Empress Menen,who was crowned the same time same day Nov 2.The presence of the lion is a symbol of power and also depicted in a tradding motion,as to remind INI to keep moving,{rolling stone gather no moss}.Our intentions is to extend to urban and international market's,emphasizing our colours,way of life and culture, along with durable quality material garments and good clean music.After seen our colours manupilated and exploited by people of diffrent ethnic back ground,it came quite evident that INI should have our own.IROCKABLE TOGO inc encourages everyone to join this quest and help get the message of equality global,all for one,one for all , one perfect balance.We are on the web at WWW.IROCKABLETOGO.COM OR MYSPACE/IROCKABLETOGOinc.IROCKABLE UNSTOPPABLE TOGO
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