embed allowScriptAccess="never" enableJSURL="false" src="http://lads.myspace.com/slides/photoslider.swf?u=123463
699" enableJavaScript="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="445" height="230"Howdy to all my old friends. Drop me an e-mail.
I have a website at www.angelfire.com/or/jdrake .
I'm working as a helicopter pilot, soon to be relocated flying offshore in the Gulf of Mexico out of Houston, TX. So this wandering gypsy here has finally settled down a bit and gotten married, after many years traveling and working around the world. Life is good.
Check the video!
My Interests
Helicopters, snowboarding, scuba diving, traveling and adventure.
Turn it off and live a little.
Papillon, Narcissus and Goldmund, Siddhartha, Desert Solitaire.
Everyone who can be themselves in the midst of the crowd.