Quite near to the start of the twenty-first century a bond was formed, stronger than steel but lighter than Malteasers. This bond shook the very fabric of Chalfont campus and a number of noise complaints were made. Three (who then became two) unlikely heroes were thrust on each other like Robb's crutch on dancing strangers. They became known as The Consequences under the pretext that girls could fuck The Consequences. This statement impressed them because it stays continuosly funny to this day with a number of album titles in the pipeline including "Screw" and "To Hell With".
Connected by a love of live music and that strand of chlymaedia which seems to have encapsulated all at Buckinghamshire Chilterns, they began to play together (musically).
One Band to rule them all, One Band to find them,
One Band to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Chalfont where the Shadows lie.