hanging out with friEnds... such as.... kpk, ivette, kiki, erika, mai, mel, mariana, michaela, tj, alle, natalie, monica b, monica r, lisa, jess, jessica c., thomas, todd, zach, jade, duncan, sean, lee {[ the other black man]}lol i love you, chelsea, caitlin, kaitlin, jenna f., jenna g., audry. lindsay, sammi, maz, michelle, tiffany, melba, alexa, carina, robert, emillie, emily, cj, tj, steven, tony c., tony ., jordie {[ jordan]}, jerry, matt, tim, and sooo many others its just that i have to go to cheer practice so i cant write them all!
i loOve to listen to rap and hip-hoP i guess..lol. music is fun, and its fun to dance to as welL!