Stirl- I want a Land Rover profile picture

Stirl- I want a Land Rover


About Me

Right here we go, im Michael, dont call me that thought, its either Mike or Stirl (2nd name is Stirling so just chopped it down a bit), im more fun than a tent full of clowns, n im actually a nice guy wen u get 2 know me, feel free 2 ask for details, im extremely happy at the moment i have a nice suntan comin through n its nearly my birthday, well in 3weeks anyway, all presents will be greatfully accepted. Cant think of much else so if u wanna know anything just ask away, always happy 2 reply, oh n better say hello 2 all my lovely friends, ur all very important 2 me n i love u lots, yeh well, thats thats done, thanks for reading, Mike.

My Interests

LADIES, 4x4's, dull i know but each 2 there own, shooting of all types, no dirty meaning in that i promise, n drinkin n socialisin, anythin that is fun really

I'd like to meet:

First Name: Michael
Middle Name: James Stirling
Birthday: 30th May 1986
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Fav color: Blue, bet u thought i was gonna say brown
Day/Night: Both
Fave Food: This week i have bin mostly eatin Mash
Do you ever wish you had another name? Nope it ok
Do you like anyone? Yeh and how
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Corky
Who's the loudest? Corky
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Corky, boy this is easy
Who's the shyest: ME
Are you close to any family members? All of them
When you cried the most: Id tell u but then id have 2 kill u
What's the best feeling in the world: Being loved
Worst Feeling: Feelin Broken hearted
Let's walk on the: Moon
Let's run through: Jungle
Let's look at the: Large shiny things over there
What a nice: Ice Lolly
Where did all the: Purple Monkeys go
Why can't you: just shut the f**k up
Silly, little: bugger
Tell me: summat useful
Ran away from home: NOPE
Pictured your crush naked: No thats naughty
Skipped school: yes n college hated them lots
Broken someone's heart: Hope not
Been in love: Yes Sir!
Cried when someone died: Yep im not a robot i have feelings
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Oh yeh
Done something embarrassing: Everyday, lifes full of embarrasments
Done a drug: No im a gud boy
Cried in school: yeh ok, that'll be NO then
Your Good Luck Charm: Corky
Person You Hate Most: The list is endless
Best Thing That Has Happened: Meetin my newest mate Kate i guess
Ice Cream: Chocolate`
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Corky
Makes you smile: CORKY n KATE
Has A Crush On You: Unfortunatly i dont think anyone does :(
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yes
Fallen for your best friend?: Sort Of yeh
Made out with JUST a friend?: yep
Kissed two people in the same day?: Yeh
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Ha ha ha ha ha thats a joke right, lol
Been rejected: . More than once :(
Been in love?: Yep twice properly
Been used?: Yes so many times
Done something you regret?: Yep
Cheated on someone?: No im a gentleman i wuldnt do that
Been called a tease: Yes daily
You touched?: A evil looking Hamster
You talked to on the phone?: To my mother
You hugged?: My Mate
You instant messaged?: Some random girl from kent
You kissed?: hmm my memory aint that good
You yelled at?: Some little S**T ath work
Who text messaged you?: Kate
Who broke your heart?: Not saying
Who told you they loved you?: Ha ha another joke, lol`



Rock, especially Project 29, punk, indie, n Elvis.


Black Hawk Down, Tears of The Sun, We Were Soldiers, Thin Red Line, Windtalkers, Shaun of The Dead, Roadtrip, American Pie 1 2 & 3, Freddie Got Fingered, Bad Boys 1 & 2, and millions more, i could be here all day writin all these out so ill leave it at that.


Deal or No Deal (its addictive), Friends and The Simpsons


Im must be the only 20 year old lad who has read and enjoyed all the Harry Potter Books, n To Kill a Mockingbird is pretty good.


U knw that guy, U knw, wiv the hair, n eyes, he has 2 eyes, u must knw him, arms n legs, body in the middle, mouth n ears, that him, glad u know, LOL