I love to socialize and listen to music, hang out at the bar with my homies and get crunked...haha.
I don't like going outside in the daytime...I'm no vampire, it just hurts my eyes. I get migranes.
Sobe Adrenaline Rush is the shiznit!
Marlboro Reds smoke the best!
Heiniken Kicks your beers ass!and thats what I thought.....
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
Create your own Friend Quiz here
Have you ever? by neutron
smoked a cigarette?: reds all day long
smoked a cigar?: a few
done drugs?: i plead the fifth
drank alcohol?: yes, once a week
been in love?: yes
been dumped?: unfortunatly, like once
shoplifted?: when I was like 15
been fired?: probably, but I wasn't there
been in a fight?: yup, I hit hard
snuck out of your house?: sure
been arrested?: once, but they let me go at the station
made out with a stranger?: yes,at a concert
gone out on a blind date?: no, I don't trust others tastes
lied to a friend?: yeah, don't tell them
had a crush on a teacher?: nope, mine were all gross
skipped school?: yes....alot
slept with a co-worker?: yes, a trainer at that
seen someone die?: not in real life
had/have a crush on 1 of your myspace friends: I do now, he is so sexy
been to Canada?: yes toronto
been to Mexico?: no
been on a plane?: yes many times
thrown up from drinking?: nope
eaten sushi?: yes and I like it
been skiing?: yes in Vermont
been in an abusive relationship?: several verbal
taken pain killers?: yes, they are nice
love someone right now?: yes, alot of people
laid on your back & watch the clouds?: yes, clouds at night are cool
made a snow angel?: yup
used a fake ID?: yeah, that was funny
watched the sunset?: hahaha,I work at the sunset
touched a snake?: I love snakes, so yeah
felt an earthquake?: nope
been tickeled?: of course
been robbed?: just my car
been misunderstood?: everyday
won a contest?: nope
been suspended from school?: nope
had detention?: many many detentions
been in a wreck?: yes, I'm ok
had/have braces?: no braces
had a one night stand?: ummm....yup
danced in the moonlight?: yes and it was beautiful
hated the way you look?: yes, that sucks
witnessed a crime?: yes, and got blammed for it
had deja vu?: often
stripped for someone?: yes...its fun!
walked barefoot thru the mud?: eww. no
been lost?: yes, I drove all the way around 270
been to the other side of the country?: only as far as Colorado
swam in the ocean?: yes...I don't like it
felt like you were dying?: yes, migranes.
pole danced?: many times, I used to bartend at the titty bar
played cops & robbers?: no, thats stupid
cried yourself to sleep?: yup
done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: yes, and regretted it
made prank phone calls?: yup, "Bob Villa's home and garden"
caught a snowflake on your tongue?: yes, like Tyler said, "It is Ohio"
kissed someone in the rain?: yes
blowed bubbles?: uh huh
told a stranger you loved them?: probably, I get affectionate when I am drunk
had a wish come true?: yeah, but not often
jumped off a bridge?: yes, into water
kissed a fish?: no, yuck
ate dogfood?: again yuck
sang in the shower?: yeah, i'm horrible
had sex in the woods?: yes
had sex in the park?: yes, at night though
had sex in the car?: yes, i even popped a guys cherry in one, you know who you are
had sex in the pool?: yes
sat on a roof top?: yes
worn the opposite sex clothes?: of course
had sex at a church?: no, not that evil
screamed at the top of your lungs?: all the time
stayed up all night?: the next day always suck
didn't take a shower for a week?: eww..no
climbed a tree?: yup, slept in it when I was little
believed in ghosts?: yes, still do
been streaking?: nope
been skinny dipping?: yes, thats fun
been to jail?: not in a cell or anything
been told you were hot by a complete stranger?: yes...
been pushed into a pool?: no, I would kick someones ass
played chicken?: i guess
broken a bone?: my thumb when i was younger
been easily amused?: all the time, this survey is amusing
caught a fish, & ate it?: no thank you
made a porn video?: um......yeah and its missing
had nude photos taken of you?: yeah
laughed so hard you cried?: yes, thats a great feeling
cried so hard you laughed?: no, cying sucks
caught a butterfly?: no, thats mean
mooned/ flashed someone?: all the time
had someone moon/flash you?: of course, remember, titty bar?
licked a cat?: I've had my cat licked
forgotten somone's name?: everyday
went scuba diving/snorkeling?: no, I am afraid of fish
bitten someone?: yes, and hard
been kicked out of your house?: nope, it's my house bitch
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Pimp My Profilewhat can i get you to drink?
Originally I came here to meet old friends... but now, I am up for meeting just about anyone from any where. Bring on the freaks and weirdos...Not too fucked up though.I HATE BOTS! God, I check everyone who requests my friendship before I accept them...Them bass turds just won't leave me alone! you will love my monkey...
Stop the playlist to hear this video...Anything except country and ghetto rap...that shit sucks.bass turd...
Funny...funny movies. Retarded ass movies...
MySpace Generators
MySpace CommentsDirty Love, Without a paddle, dodge ball, over board, garbage pail kids, labyrinth, kevin smith movies
, our private sex tapes, little monsters, super troopers, club dred, white chicks, man of the house, etc... anything that makes me laugh and takes me out of reality.He taught me how to handle balls...
I watch T.V. like constantly...even when I'm not looking.he wants me....he has to be one of the hottest guys on the planet.... I think he wants me too...
I prefer mysteries...but I haven't read a book in a while.it used to be like that...but not in a while...
Anyone who can keep my ass out of trouble...
Or get me into so much trouble that I forget to care.
Find out if you are a freak in bed at LiquidGeneration!