RòÇ âFeLL â-FyÑe§† profile picture

RòÇ âFeLL â-FyÑe§†

I am here for Friends

About Me

Im OnE Of ThE ReaLesT PeOple YoU WiLL EveR ComE To KnoW, CaUsE i DonT GivE a FucK WhaT PeOpLe ThinK Of Me AnYwaYs.. So THerE Is No DaMn ReAsoN To HidE iT. I LovE MusiC MorE TheN AnyThiNg In ThiS WoRLD...It HaS ThE PoWeR Of HeaLinG, AnD HaS WayS Of TaKinG Ur AnGeR...FrUsTraTioNs... AnD YoUR HaPPinEsS To A WhoLe NeW LeVeL...Its A WaY oF SeLF ExpReSSioN...AnD Self ExPreSSioN Is EvEryThiNg Im AbOuT...NeVeR ScaReD To SpEaK My MinD...AnD LikE i SaiD DonT GivE a ShiT WhaT PeOpLe ThinK oF WhaT i ThinK...So Too BaD huh.. WeLL AnYwaYs... i LovE To PaRtY, ChiLL RelaX...AnD JusT ChiLL WiD PeepS ThaT Are JusT aS DowN To EarTH aS i TrY To Be...AnD All Ya'll FrOnTIN Mother FUckErs iS JusT WaiTinG To Get iT?..........peace!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I WanA MeeT PeOpLE WhO KnoW HoW To HavE FuN YeT KnoW TheiR BoUunDeriEs. PeoPLE WhO ArE BoTH FuN AnD DeeP At THe SamE TimE. PeopLE WhO i CouLD JusT HanG OuT WitH. AnD HavE A GooD LaUgH oR a Real GooD ConVersaTioN WitH. I LikE ConVerSinG WitH aLL KinDs oF PeoPLe. KnoW WhEre ThEyr FroM, WhErE ThEyrE HeAdeD, WhaT TheY BeliEvE iN AnD WhY. I WanA MeeT PeoPLe WhO ArE ReaL. PeoPLe WhO AccePT PeoPLe FoR WhO TheY ArE......


GaNGStA RaP. UNdaGRoUND RaP. TuPaC SHaKuR .. SNooP DoGG. iCe CuBE... iCe T. P.DiDDy .NoToRiUOs B.i.G.JaY-Z .OuTLAwZ. HuSSiEN. KaDAFi. iDi aMiN. CaPONe. NoREaGA. BiG TyMeRS. DmX. XZiBiT. NeLLy. St.LuNaTiCs. MuRPHee LeE. J-KWoN. YiNg-YANG TWiNs. YouNg BLooDZ. EAsT SiDe BOyS. ja RuLe .FaT JoE. TeRRoR SQuAd. BusTAh RHyMES. TwisTA . LuDACRiS. CHiNGy. TWenTy. LiL' FLiP . JeRMAiN DuPRee . BOW WoW. HouSe Of PAiN . 50 Cent .G-UNiT. BoNe THuGs N' HArMoNy. WaRReN G . NaTE DoGG . CHiNgy . CoLLiO. KanYe WEsT. JaDaKiSS. MeTHoD MaN . Wu-TaNG CLaN. CaDaHLaCHTaH. JuViNiLLe . CLiPSe . FaBULoUS. MaSe . LooNE. BLaCk RoB. MaRc CuRRy. KiLLAH MiK. JoE BuDDeN. PiTTBuLL. NaSReD Man. JiN. FReeWaY. DaViD BaNNeR. DeNMArK . JoLo ANd KRooKe . SeVeN SHoTs Of WiSDoM. D-CoY. FraNCiS M. ANd MOst Of aLL KrUzzaDA MuCH LoVE n' ReSPeCt!!!!!!!!!!


THe GoDFATHeR (series).... SCaRFACe 1&2...... UnTouCHABLeS....... RaTPAcK......... Da LOCkDoWN....... PAiD iN FuLL .... MeNAcE Ta SOCieTY .....THe LoNGeST YaRD ........ JUiCe........BLooD iN BLooD Out ... Don'T Be A MeNacE ..... WasH BOyZ ........ BaRBeR SHOp 1& 2 ........ Up In SMoKe....... BoYZ FRoM Da HooD .......3 KiNGS...... POeTic JuSTiCE .........BiCKeR BoYz......... MaLLiBU MoST WaNTED .... aLL ABouT dA BeNJaMiNS.... BoNeS...... NeXT FRiDaY........ FRiDaY AFTeR NeXT ......... YoU GoT SeRVeD............. TRoY ............... L.O.T.R TRiLoGY......... Da BuTTERFLy eFFeCt......... Da LAsT SAmuRAi......... SOUL PLaNe........ PRisON SoNg.......... 15 tA LiFe.. 3rd STRiKE....... He Got GAmE......... TUpaC ReSSureCTioN........... PHoNe BooTH......


. PiMP Ma RiDE ... CRiBz ... JaMZ ... URBaN MyX ... puNKeD ... WiLD BoYZ ... RooM RAiDErZ ...DiSmiSSeD....FeAr FaCtOr


Catcher in the Rye, Yukio , HaLf WaY Ta Da NeXT LiFe..... FlaT LiNe.........Mishima


HmMMmm .....ToO MAnY oF tHeM

My Blog

I've noticed that lots of little girls on this site are starting to become lesbians..

Haven't you too, notice that? It's not like I have anything against the homosexuality between females/ males. I'm just wondering why out of the blue, they're starting to become one? I remember back in...
Posted by RòÇ âFeLL â-FyÑe§ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down. 2. Sunday = sports. It's like...
Posted by RòÇ âFeLL â-FyÑe§ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


popularity does no good to you........ all it does its just bring more shit to your life. being the center of attention makes other people think about you well, differently, they might think that y...
Posted by RòÇ âFeLL â-FyÑe§ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

something i found from my old blogs....

something i found from my old blogs.. before my eyes close & my soul goes home these were words that i never told you. you were everything to me, my last hope, my last dream & on my last breath,...
Posted by RòÇ âFeLL â-FyÑe§ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST