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Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Photography, Art History, Listening to Music, going to basketball games, marching band, concerts,my dogs, and play'n on the computer.
George Michael..
George Michael - Brother Can You Spare (Live At Pavarotti )
I don't have a fave of any style..I like it all except country. Yes I'm from the south and don't like Country. I listen to everything from Christian's Tobymac..my fave! To George Michael, to INXS, To Sugar Ray, Boyz to men, Jodiec, Babyface, Grits, Third day, Mariah Carrey, etc.
Something worth watching..not a waste of space...
adopt your own virtual pet!
I love TV! my fave shows that I never get tired of watching: Friends, Seinfield, Jay Leno, King of the Hill, Simpsons, Conan O'Brian, Idol, Food network, Dog Whisper, House, CSI miami and reg., to name a few. HD is awsome. http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1111405995/bcl id1137896010/bctid1423838906
Art related books, The Bible, Magazines, newspaperhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/tobytrudog/g eorgeinblack.jpg
My Grandmother