Justine Frischmann. Rachel Weisz.
George Orwell - nineteen eighty four
George Orwell - Animal Farm
Ray Bradbury - Farenheit 451
Margaret Atwood - The Handmaids tale
Aldous huxley - Brave new world
Antony Burgess - A Clock Work Orange
Scott Wilson - Utopia X
William Golding - Lord of the Flies
Dave Pelzer - a child called 'it'
Kevin Lewis - the kid
Alex Haley - ROOTS
Kazuo Ishiguro - Remains of the Day
F. Scott Fitzgerald - the Great Gatsby
Catherine Millet - The Sexual Life of Catherine M.
JK.Rowling - ALL the Harry Potter's
J.Austen - Mansfield Park
J.Austen - Pride & Prejudice
Paulo Coelho - Veronica decides to die
Paulo Coelho - the devil and miss Prym
Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho - By the River Piedra i sat down and wept
Paulo Coehlo - Eleven Minutes
WordsWorth - books nine and ten of the Prelude
Wordsworth and Coleridge - lyrical ballads
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - the little prince
Tim Pearson - Fulfilment in Shadows
Sebastian Junger - the Perfect Storm
Mark Haddon - The Curious incident of the Dog in the night time
Kurt Cobain - Journals
Antony Keides - Scar tissue
Wendy Northcutt - The Darwin Awards ii
Art Rocker
"...i am nothing,
i am the combined efforts of
everyone i've ever known..."
-[chuck palahniuk.]