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About Me

gettin down with the world's smallest ball point pen. being ruled by the Yorkshire kingdom. homebody to the max I MEAN THE MAX! nice is cool and cool is ice! Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

drawing,sewing,rollerblading, riding my bike around the city!, library, galleries, museums, music, traveling - id want to learn silversmithing, welding, and how to build my own furniture!

I'd like to meet:

Other creative people. - ewww people is too actually other creative people, animals, insects, objects, countries, homes, bodies of water etc. :)


O.M.D, Towa Tei, Built to Spill, The Embassy, Belle & Sebastian, Kings of Convienence, Sigur Ross, Royksopp, Lawrence Welk -seriously :/ David Byrne radio, french 50's & 60's, nouvelle vague, sufjan stevens, coldplay, my morning jacket, clap your hands say yeah etc.


any old movies - Everyone Says I love You, Hackers, When Harry met Sally, Sliding Doors, Zatoichi, Baby Boom, Sabrina, Benny & Joon, Little Women, any audrey hepburn, barbara streisand, woody allen movies!


Project Runway ofcourse! Just got rid of cable so now it's pretty much me and my radio :)


Catcher in the Rye!!! FINALLY - Carl & Karin Larsson - childrens books all the time!


Olivier Theyskens, Towa Tei, David Hockney,

My Blog

New Roxy Marj Items!!!

Finally ~ New clothing, bags and jewelry!!! Now at!!!
Posted by roxana on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 05:30:00 PST

Fusion Fashion Show!!!

Hey Everyone!! for those of you who didn't get to go to the Fusion Fashion show that I participated in Last week for my school [Parsons School of Design] against FIT [Fashion Institute of Technology] ...
Posted by roxana on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 07:48:00 PST

School Jaded!!!

I dunno....but school stresses have seemed to slowly start creeping up on me this week ~ Being that im 24 and most of my classmates at 18 puts me at a MAJOR disadvantage! Plus, never I mean never have...
Posted by roxana on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 07:48:00 PST

fashion fusion

Even though im basically talking into thin air [which is kinda my intention] Id like to express on how nervous I am about the competition between my school [Parsons] and FIT [fashion institute of tec...
Posted by roxana on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 03:44:00 PST

Towa Tei!

There is nothing like falling in love all over again with your favorite artist!
Posted by roxana on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 07:53:00 PST


Yesterday I was missing my childhood so much. :/ My old bedroom, the cement floor that my painted, our old kitchen, the fireplace and where the carpet met with the kitchen floor. Whenever me or my sib...
Posted by roxana on Sat, 19 Nov 2005 11:00:00 PST