Snooker, Billiard, Swimming, Jogging, Watching Movies, Listening to Music, Eating, Classic Cars, Computer Games, Fashion related stuff, having people to give me massage and scratch my back.
Long lost friends or simply people who can connect with me and share the same interests, values and views in fashion, life and love. Most importantly, anybody who is kind and can honestly or at least is learning to honestly express him/herself will be a friend. I believe we lose alot of true friends because we are always pretending to be someone that we want people to see us as. Everybody is doing so to hide their signs of weakness. That way we lost the power to really connect with people around us. me ur weaknesses and trust me, I love it when people start showing me that they are WEAK!!
Jazz, Acid jazz, NuJazz, Rock, Soft Rock, R&B, Hip Hop, House and some sentimental chinese songs.(anything that is pleasant to my ears!)
Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, Catch Me If You Can, The Green Mile, Forest Gump, In The Name Of Father, Seven, Road To Perdition, The Pianist, LOTR, Matrix and all WAR movies.
Fashion Magazines like Men's Non-No, Huge, StreetJack, Cool, Get On, Thrill, Fine Boys and my secondary school history textbooks.