I have been a hobo for many years. I have safely navigated the hobo jungle and landed me a nice box in Fullerton where I can hobo away my days in peace.
Your Sexy Brazilian Name Is
Eduardo Souza
What's Your Sexy Brazilian Name?
Washboard playing, drinking hooch, playing the jug, sleeping, playing the spoons, chasing ducks, yelling at children, new gloves, shopping at the Salvation Army, stealing, bum fights, having ho-downs, boxcars, peeing outside.
People who will not spit at me or throw things at me. And other hobos who might be able to offer some further insight to the hobo condition.
Banjo music, or anything I can get jiggy with. Especially music with washboards or jugs in it.
Gummy Joe (cos he knows all the hobo rules), Sweaty Socks Mcgee (he's got himslef a wife and everything!), High Pants Walter (he sure can tickle those keys), and sometimes Stubby Samuel (cos he don't know the hobo code but he sure is nice)