Looking at trees on road trips. Living night and day.
Hayao Miyazaki!
currently on rotation: Propagandhi, Rise Against, As I Lay Dying, Alexisonfire, Poison the Well, Junior Boys, Trentemoller, City & Colour, Justice, Bloc Party, Digitalizm, old Stakka & Skynet, Future Sound of London, Daft Punk, Jamiroquai, Protest the Hero, !!!, Rise Against, Brand New, Thrice, Circa Survive.
GITS 2, Howl's Moving Castle, Boogie Nights, Donnie Darko, 2001: A Space Odyssey, THX-1138.
ergo proxy, bleach, blood+, Lost, Six Feet Under, Sopranos, Northern Exposure, Deadwood, Rome, The Wire. Shit..all HBO series!
Blame, Bleach, Shriek-An Afterword
Stanley Kubrick