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ILYALART - Diving into colors

About Me

Creative, dreamer, moody, a lonely wanderer, a mix of wiseness and madness.
I love playing with colors, mixing them, experimenting contrasts and fusions. I am often surprised by my own works!
Ilyalart is part of Mallysphere, a place conceived to contain various projects of art, decoration, accessories and everything contributing to create a special atmosphere in the environment where we live.

My Interests

Art, cats, painting, travelling, cooking-eating-drinking (wine), design, home decoration, reading....

I'd like to meet:

Nice, sensitive, eclectic, curious people from all over the world...!


Many kinds of music


Woody Allen, François Ozon, Pedro Almodovar...for their unique understanding of women's universe !


I avoid TV, especially Italian TV...


Many, many.... Proust's "Recherche" is one of my favourite "reading trips".Then Saul Bellow, Marguerite Yourcenar, L.F. Céline, Amos Oz, E. Hemingway, Bruce Chatwin, Colette, Abraham Yehoshua, Isaac B. Singer, etc. etc. etc....


My heroes are those people that I like, love and admire for their honesty in every day life and for keeping their commitments, respecting others...

My Blog

Never prejudge

We should never prejudge without trying to understanding, without trying to see through the words, without getting the message. Isn't prejudging a symptom of fear? It's nice to be open to new experien...
Posted by illy on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 02:14:00 PST

Orange Weekend

If I had to describe this past weekend with a color, I would say Orange. All the things of this list have red, yellow, orange colors: 1. The color of the automn leaves2. The sunlight in the early afte...
Posted by illy on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 07:09:00 PST

illy in the kitchen

Oh yeah, today it's all about cooking! It's so relaxing! Listening to music, drinking coffe, chopping vegetables, chosing the right spices, .... I love all this! Got to go now, I have to prepare my fa...
Posted by illy on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 05:58:00 PST

On a foggy day------

It's all misty and grey today when I look out of the window. But many colors are in my mind and they are all ready for new adventures! I like these foggy days sometimes. Hot chocolate and pancakes wit...
Posted by illy on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 01:45:00 PST

My own space?

I have my own Space ? Oh great! I'm in a creative mood today!  
Posted by illy on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 09:01:00 PST