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its better to burn out than to fade away

About Me

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Ja, ja, ja, cemo krenut po domaci pa da oni englezi, amerikanci i ostali ne svate..ovaj "k...." od myspacea je jedan lijepi ego tripic za sve nas, i u toj formici i ja izrazavam onda sebe..kako je blentavo stavljat kao neke svoje slikice, kao pokazat koliko si duboko panker ili sminker ili sve moguce kombinacije izmedju toga...a ima ih... evo bas cu se isfuravat i bit dio mejnstrima... ;) a kad srusmo kapitalizam, onda ce i myspace imati i drukcije lice..lepo, lepo...pa krenimo, nek svi svate...Well, i thought i had illness called manic depression when i was 16. I almost convinced my parents in that. Now i know im psychically healthy, the thing is have too much energy, and when i cant express it, i fall down. and that can be bad. I want like everything - yesterday, now, and tommorow. is that normal? i want to be everywhere, with everybody in the same time. Weirdo.Thats my cross. but im learning to deal with it.!!!!LITTLE KOREAN GIRLS SINGS TO TITO, THE PRESIDENT OF YUGOSLAVIA, ON CROATIAN, THIS HAPPENED IN 1978!!! First of all, i work and trying to study at the same time, so i will not have as many time as i want to discuss things here, to write blogs, to share thoughts in forums and other blogs.. Maybe ill be fired in the future so youll see me more often! :) I ve grown up on punk and my life is connected to it. I love punk, im extremely happy when i hear the Clash, or DK, or KUD Idijoti.. ..I write stories, they are not understandable even to me..I walk among people and notice them.. In college i finished Literature and Croatian Language, now im studying Cultural studies.. in that is my main interest - studying opressed, silenced groups(for example: gay or non straight, non-white, national minorities...), mainly in literature, but also politically, socially, economically. Cultural studies were concieved in Great Britain in the 70-ies, were radically marxistic, but nowadays there are pretty different schools of Cultural studies with different point of view, not dramatically, but still different.. ..I do love cemeteries as you can see on one of my pics.. Laughing when i shouldnt... Walking around with music on my ears......Travelling as well, even i cant afford it to my self very often.... Want to go to Africa, Russia, Cuba, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico.. ..Then, I admire small and big revolutions and am on the left side politically (lefty, lefty), between marxistic and anarchistic point of view. When i was younger i was unhappy that i cant decide between those two, but nowadays i made peace to myself: both options have their pluses and minuses, although im more for anarchism...I adore reading, music makes me trembling of excitement.. When i was little i wanted badly to go to Africa to help children who dont have enough food, i just thought: Ill bring them food and it will be it, they will be satisfied. Yeah i was stupid child. Nowadays my point of view has changed: Give them "the motika", not the product!!! So thats why im working as a journalist..my aim is maybe to spread something what couldnt be heard, in as many ears i can.. Maybe im in the beginning of my ride, in the beginning of this rough and evil media wheel, maybe i will not get anywhere with this, but we ll see.. there are many battles in this world to contribute to... I read journalists blogs..all i can say that there are many truths, not just one.. I think that knowledge is most important for a person not to be a part of unaware consent between one nation and their government. Let me pretend to be a preacher ;) and say to you: PEOPLE, READ. WATCH INDEPENDENT MEDIA. SEARCH FOR YOURSELF. QUESTION THINGS. DONT LET THE PASSIVENESS GETS YOU. TELL AN ASSHOLE TO GO FUCK HIMSELF. DIE WITH A REASON!!!!! I hate passive people.. Someone could say now: "You cant hate someone for what he is, you must be tolerant." But you know what? I hate passive ones anyway!! Also, I hate Bush and his Rice and stuff, like all modern people nowadays do :), but - to tell you the truth - too many people hate him, but no one does anything about it!! But I also hate Kutchma who is not so popular in hatred these days, but should be!!(even if hes not Ukrainian first man anymore). And I hate Tudman, ex president of Croatia, so much, he is dead now but hopefully not peaceful with all victims of the war at his soul!!oh shit, we can talk about it somewhere else, its too much for the profile..there are so many of them. I admire Georgi Gongadze and brave people like him, who paid with their head when they said truth! And viva Evo Morales, viva Hugo Chavez! South America is rising up, this is a comfort for me, really, hope you feel the same way, if not, i dont care.... If you are for south americass thing (s), support ezln, and other less known groups with same political and social point of view, and so on, if you share my beliefs, if you like cursing, and are a bit abnormal to other people, add me! Dont add me if you just need to fulfill your list, or if you love your country the way it is, love sunbathing rather than entering the factories , love motorbikes and cars and boring something like that, dont add me if you havent watched none of my favorite films, or never heard for a bands i love. it a waste of time, im not that tolerant, as i said before!

My Interests

literature, people, travel, writing stories, reading journalists blogs, reading in general, searching and investigating things for myself, politics, truth, the ones that cannot speak up loud for themselves, myself and my own diversity Gotan Project - Diferente (Promo Video)

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I'd like to meet:

knez Ljudevit Posavski (but he died in 9. century), Simon Bolivar (but hes dead), journalist Georgi Gongadze (dead, the ukranian Kutchmas s police cutted his head off), Bakunjin (dead as dead can be), Joe Strummer (lets say freshly dead), Kurt Cobain (dead and headless by his own wish), Jan Palach (student who burnt himself to dead, protesting the soviet occupation of Czech republic, kind of cold war thing but much much worse),...... Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez- but i would tell them to get rid of that fancy Mercedes they are driving in - thats not very nice when youre leading a revolution and nationalisation of resources in your country!!otherwise, i like them very much! (ofcourse, black and white is always mixed up in all, im not idealist and romantic). .. socialists in general.. .. Virginia Woolf maybe an hour before she drowned herself in river.. .storytellers from different regions of world who are telling old forgotten stories endlessly... I should really go to cemeteries more often, cause i dont have much choice between the living...


The Clash, Toy Dolls, DK, KBO, UK Subs, The Exploited, Satan Panonski, Overflow, Elektricni orgazam, KUD Idijoti, ,,koljke, Franci Bla,,kovic i Gori ussi Winnetou, The Boys, Six Pack, Nirvana, Jean Michel Jarre, Alice in Chains, the Cure, Madredeus, Smashing Pumpkins, Pixies, Portishead, The Hole,Hole -- Miss World

Add to My Profile | More VideosCocteau Twins, Jesus and Mary Chain, Sonic Youth, Velvet Underground, Joy Division, System of a Down, Nick Cave, the Stooges, Massive Attack-only Mezzanine though which is wonderful, Manu Chao, Mano Negra, Gotan project, Cesaria Evora, the Beatles, Pasi, the Queen, Depeche Mode


Amelie, Donnie Darko, Crna macka -bijela macka (Black cat, white cat), Dom za ve,,anje (Home for hanging, or something like that, i know that Emir Kusturica is fucking nationalist, and asshole, but i love his movies), The Lord of the rings(elves, hobbits,wish they exist), Goodbye, children(second world war theme), Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind object width="425" height="350"The Birds, Sto muci Gilberta Grapea (What s eating Gilbert Grape), The Cube, Morvern Callar, Requiem for Dreams, The Piano, Short Cuts (Altman), Beetlejuice, Fanny and Alexander, Happiness, Pi, The Others, Running on Empty (with River Phoenix), Decalog 1 (Kieslowski)


only news, and independent media, good movies -rarely (on HTV)


Gabriel Garcia Marquez- 100 years of solitude, Coetzee, Woolf, Slavenka Drakulic, Vladimir Sorokin, Bohumil Hrabal, Franz Kafka, Italo Calvino - If one night a traveller.., Juan Rulfo - "Pedro Paramo", Margaret Atwood, Marin Drzic, "Mirisi, zlato i tamjan" Slobodan Novak, Niccolo Ammaniti ("Ja se ne bojim"), Marinko Ko,,cec "Netko drugi"; politics and antiglobalist theme books


none, except this little pal of mine

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My Blog

air - god would like to own your autograph?

"God would like to own your autograph..The angels cry to have your photograph.."da, tako idu prva dva stiha pjesme od Aira, Photograph. Barem ja tako cujem, dok pozorno slusam rijeci. nijesam valjda ...
Posted by Hana on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 02:34:00 PST

dead day - satan panonski

OK its a Deads day today..and i will not talk about it. Ill talk about Satan Panonski.. cause he is dead also...do you know who the fuck is Satan Panonski? No? Well this sick talented bastard, mad as...
Posted by Hana on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 05:56:00 PST

indian summer

OK so im working now..but i really need a rest..since i cant take it..im stealing it a bit It is an unbelievable October here..so warm like never before..and i was telling some of the people from lon...
Posted by Hana on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 03:47:00 PST

im here

Im here only to write comments on my friends "mARTa" myspace space, so lovely mARTa could become more lovelier (or something like it!!!). For now, and then...we will see..I might become terribly obsse...
Posted by Hana on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 07:02:00 PST