am a cool guy n i know that, i got attitude n got I/Q of 117 and currently tryna make it big. I am in college apparently and am also the type of guy who thinx music is the soul ingredient in life.wutever is also an anitdote in life. i believe in no racialprejudice and love for one another in life i believe in balace of power and that humainty is a family well iam also writer in various fields and i belive that with a pen all evil can be conqured.
Peter Tosh said that "reggae music is the only kind of
music with that missing ingridient that can heal a sick
""aya nay rasta""I speak english, swahili, patios n i love to make new friends"A Way Fi Da Zion Mountain"Mi head spinnin mind boilin bi afi gwan rasta
moment fi a mediation n mi brodda gwan stop from
breathin dem wicked style fi pickney gwan act afi elder
perform well bob marley fi messenger Haile saliese fi chief.a fi dem calyso
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Graphics by HitupMyspace.comWhen i was living in the carribean islands i learnt alot of major things about the way the colour white was criticised but i also learnt one thing a man is still a man whether Black or White, Rich or Poor but down here ina Uganda pride mocks run as spring of water but love is what every one has 2 spread n live the live Jah will want . I love humanity n the Black race i belong 2 one love.