Sedentary enlightenment
A support group that is equally intrigued/sometimes freaked by the ability of the Large Hadron Particle Collider experiment to collapse/expand our dimensional awareness.
Anything that makes you want to break (dance). Anything that makes your neck break (head bang). And sometimes a song that makes you cry from its pure symphony.
cartoon symphonies.
Is a sad, sad instrument to cull our alienation from feasible social interaction.
Oswald Spengler, David Icke, Robert Anton Wilson, Charles van Doren, Einstein and Hawking, Jared Diamond, Declarations of Havana, Richard Scarry and Dr. Seuss, Talmudic references, Tree of Knowledge, sciences of Egyptology, Sun Tzu, Morihei, Miyamoto Musashi, David Sedaris and sometimes Palanhiuk and Robbins (but most of the time not), Bukowski often, Camus and Sartre essays, Billy Childish most of the time, Oxford Dictionary whenever I can, Final Exit when I am done with it all.
Aleister Crowley