Style, Art and Eccentricsxx Carnies, Circus, Physical Theatre, Dance, Animation, Hard Core Stunts. Performing and touring the continent glamorously! - Airstreams and Fire Engines with aerial rigs attached and bigtops! - Inventing interesting and original aerial contraptions to perform on. Seeing cool live shows!!!!!!!!Peep shows! Dancing all night long! Warehouses!!Interior Design. - Ragdolls, confetti, sequinns, candy stripes, feathers, fairytales, fishnets, fishtanks and angel fish, lovehearts, old theatres, silent movies, neon lights, pink, snowdomes, ghost trains, mirror mazes, chandeliers, labyrinths, rollercoasters, fairy lights, pyro's, planetariums, mirrors, disco balls and bubble machines, tophats and canes, whips, hula hoops, flying trapeze, costumes, corsets, vintage hats, latex, reveals, carousels, flamingos, puppets, bicycles, stars, dollhouses, toysoldiers, pink fireworks, vintage sports cars, ocean views, sweet smelling flowers, lightening storms, waterfalls, horses, snakes, green tree frogs, iceburgs, the 80's, French, harnesses, steel/ rigging equipment, climbing, bodyart - tattoos, muscles, bodies, massage, scars and bruises, blondes, spas, the smell of coconut and gucci mens perfume and cold damp cellars, cocktails, ice, giggling and all things related, winning! Dress ups, cowboys, stylish boys, being a wifey, trashy parties, dancing boys/ lap dances/ fan dances/ private dances. Sex, cuddling, boys in girls lingerie, collars, ropes and harnesses most things kinkyxxxxxxxx
Persons that are fabulous, eccentric, clever, stylish, hot, funny, talented, famous, sexy, strange.
Electro, booty, glitsch, hop, crackwhore house, Trickey, Scissor Sisters, Machine Gun Fellatio, Moloko, Peaches, Sheep on Drugs, The Cure, Prince, Eatstatic, Pitch Black, Bowie, Underworld, Fat Boy Slim, Propellor Heads, Nick Cave, The Bird, Nina Simone.
Jan Svankmejers - Alice, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Natural Born Killers, Sin City, City of the Lost Children, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Xanadu, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Blade Runner, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Black Cat White Cat, Pulp Fiction, Casino Royale, The Prestige, The 5th Element, Borat, A Clockwork Orange, Barbarella, Dead Ringers, Singing in the Rain, V for Vendetta, Girl on a Bridge, Acid House, Clockwork Orange, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Shmeer not into it oh except South Park/ Chris Angel.
Geek Love, Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carrol, Still Life with Woodpecker - Tom Robbins, When The Ass Kissed the Angel - Nick Cave, Perfume - Patrick Suskind, Roald Dahl.
RKaos, Royal Deluxe, Les Arsauts, Le Fuhrer de Baus, Semolla, Audrey Hepburn, Juliette Lewis, Bridget Bardot, Marlene Dietrich, Mark Ryden, Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Milla Johovich, Charlie Chaplin, Fred Estaire, Leonardo da Vinci, Vivien Leigh, James Dean, Spiderman and all super heroes, Jean Paul Gautier, DV8, James Thierren, John Kamikaze, Nick Cave, Salvador Dali, all of my friends especially my boyfriend.