Social Policy, Decision Sciences, Bar & Restaurant Design, Light & Film, Slow Cooking & Trailer Park Operas. . . in between rounds of golf occassionally
Georgia O, the Black Rider, Reservoir St Slim, & all those New Wave Chicks from N.Year's Eve
AIR, Al Green, OTIS, Lou Reed, PJ Harvey
DYLAN, MWard, Mymorningjacket, Lucinda, LCohen
BECK, Prince, TWaits
WhiteStripes, Strokes, FrFerdinand, BOWIE,VANmorrison
hustle & flow, adaptation, punch drunk love, anything rockumentary from leVideo,who goes to movies anymore? unless i'm in the air, travelling, or watching the hotel movie channel. . .
i haven't watched tv since the late eighties- twin peaks, tj hooker, taxi, etc. oh shit! but did you see beingBobby Brown? with Whitney? that was some funny shit. . .
marquez,faulkner,cormac mcCarthy,rimbaud,joseph campbell,jd salinger,kurt vonnegut,ray carver, bukowski, drFrank, pCoelho, jDidion,Kerouac,Sedaris,don DeLilo, herman hesse, hunter S.thompson, neil strauss, ha!
all my heroes are dead- well i have some local heroes- come out here & ramble around this windswept town sometime- we'll meet for drinks & i'll handle the introductions