Like stated above, Trespassing in is illegal and not condoned. You will be arrested and fined if caught. If you still decide to break and enter, respect the environment and leave it as you found. With that said, please don't give out the locations and directions... the more people we have trespassing, the quicker, and I emphasize quicker, the other 2 major buildings will be demolished. Don't destroy a good thing by being careless and thinking you're all bad ass for climbing through a window.
Historic preservationists, documentary photographers, archivists, artists, musicians, other hospitals. Do not break into any of the buildings on the grounds. I am not held responsable for your actions while here. It is illegal to break and enter and it is dangerous. You have been warned. These photographs were made with permission from the higher ups.
Session 9, Marvin's Room....
Rhymes of a Raver, Greystone: A Paranormal Thriller (it is set here but besides that, has no historical relevance)Urban Landscapes by G. Tice, The Colombia-Greystone Project
Thomas Kirkbride, Dorothea Dix, Dr Horace Buttolph, Past and present CEO's of the hospital..