YIM & AIM Contacts = Armyfatigue07Please NO STALKERS!
Namie Amuro, Nami Tamaki & Koda Kumi I think their HOT! By the way I love Asian women! wink wink ;) lol.
But seriously I'm not going to put a criteria on who can sen me a message or a friend request or not. If you want to just say hi then go ahead and do so I'll reply back. But I'd like to meet people who have goals and set a positve atmosphere around themselves, and ciggerette and weed smoke is not a positve atmosphere people! But I'd like to meet people that I can learn from which could be anybody. Anyone really so just hit me up.
You scored as Outgoing. You outgoing and you have a very friendly personality.
I love Techno and Trance music! Absolutely gets me going! Abercrombie & Fitch Playlists are the best!
Grading Factors
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Aarron
Age?: 17
Height?: 6'5
Weight?: 185 lbs.
Birthday?: October 26
Birthplace?: Washington D.C
Current Location?: Hyattsville
School/Grade?: 12th
Zodiac Sign?: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Snake
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Haircolor?: Black
Eyecolor?: Brown
Skin Color?: Brown
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: Ummm... I don't understand
Any Pets?: Not anymore
If So What Are They?: It was a dog
Favorite Relative?: My cousin
Least Favorite Relative?: Don't wanna say it
What's Your Heritage/Race?: Black
Political Affilation?: Democratic
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: Straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?: No
If So, With Whom?:
At this point I don't have any heroes yet, but there are sure some to come along.