Michelle|Missing Tim| profile picture

Michelle|Missing Tim|

I'm a sexy bitch. ♥

About Me

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I'm Michelle.

I'm 22 years old. I live in Moore,Oklahoma.
I'm a true blonde. I have 1 kid and I'm married.
But I would love to be friends.
I am a MAJOR Jessica Simpson & Britney Spears Fan.
Anything else you might want to know.

By leaving me messages.

My Interests

Well I like to go clubbing,Drinking,Spending time with my daughter and husband,talking on the phone,hanging out with my BFF,and hanging out with my mom and sister.

I'd like to meet:

Britney Spears,Jessica Simpson,Christina Aguilera,Will Smith,Reese Witherspoon,Madonna,Denzel Washington,Anna Nicole Smith[R.I.P],Micheal Jordan,Micheal Jackson,Hilary Duff,All the Spice Girls,Julia Roberts,Tiffani Amber Thiessen,Tori Spelling,Justin Timberlake,Sarah Michelle Gellar,Tim McGraw,Nick Lachey,Pussycat Dolls,Pamela Anderson,Carrie Underwood,Kelly Clarkson,Whitney Houston,Usher.


Britney Spears,Jessica Simpson,Christina Aguilera, Akon,Genuine,2 Pac,Will Smith,Madonna.


Dukes of Hazzard,Saw 1,2,& 3,All the Halloweens,Crossroads,All The Friday the 13th's,American Pie 1 & 2,All the Texas Chainsaw Masscres,Bring it On,Bring it on Again,Bring it on Again All or Nothing,Lady & The Tramp,Devil Wears Prada,Legally Blonde 1 & 2,Showgirls.


Saved By the Bell,Saved By The Bell [College Years],Full House,Fresh Prince,Beverly Hills 90210,Cosby Show,Til Death Do us part,Roseanne,Family Matters,Newlyweds,Chaotic--[Britney Spears & Kevin Federline],Dr.Phil,Oprah.


My husband,SPC Timothy Lee Wright [Army Soldier],Britney Spears,Jessica Simpson,Christina Aguilera.