Lesley profile picture


Are you a hypnotist?

About Me

i'm like the wandering jew... nah. i'm a drifter, going where the wind blows, not too sure where my feet are taking me, but eventually always getting to someplace good. i think my friends help me along with that. :) my life seems kinda in limbo right now.. suspended in some surreal place between really LIVING and just.. existing. hahaha... existential crisis, anyone? i guess i just need to find some direction. anyone who thinks they can help enlighten me would be most welcome! cos i been trying for 21 years and ain't getting nowhere dammit! ;)

My Interests

music, sports, food, music, food, friends, food, music, music, food...

I'd like to meet:

anyone who can handle my cynicism, sarcasm and acerbic tongue. hahaha.. naw, seriously, i'm nice.


current obsessions are The Flaming Lips, Jurassic5, The Roots, Dilated Peoples, People Under the Stairs, J.T., Jeff Buckley, alternative, RADIOHEAD! SUEDE! MUSE! DEATHCAB FOR CUTIE! MOGWAI! PORTISHEAD! MASSIVE ATTACK! JAMES! MORRISSEY! TRAVIS! MANIC STREET PREACHERS! TAKE THAT! (no i am not kidding)


The Boondocks Saints, Clockwork Orange, Zoolander, Fight Club, Reservoir Dogs, Boys Don't Cry, Remember the Titans, American History X, Memento, Ocean's Eleven, the entire Jay and Silent Bob series, Wayne's World, Pirates of the Caribbean...


Ian McEwan, Jorge Luis Borges, Nikolai Gogol.. Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King was just beautiful...


Yoshimi! She defeated those damn pink robots...