I love hangin'with my friends, goin' to shows or concerts, maybe a movie that's worth seeing, Catching up with old friends, cookin' big ole country breakfasts' on Sunday.
Imagine this world without it... Now imagine pure chaos.
***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: You know what it is
Age: 30 and over club
Month of birth: May
Any Siblings?: 1 Bro(mom) 2 Sis(Dad)
Parents still married?: Nope
Occupation: Pharmacuetical Sales Rep.
Do you like your job?: Sometimes
Any pets?: Yes... An Argentine Mastiff & an American Cocker Spaniel
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Dark Brown
Shoe size: 7&1/2 - 8
Any Tattoos?: Yes
Any Piercings?: No
Current mood: Cramping
Current wardobe choice: Business Suits (9a-5p) & Grown & Sexy (7p-until)
What are you listening to?: Some wacked out American Idol chick
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: My Girl Tommy
What do you currently smell like?: Issey Miyake (Bleue)
Movie you watched:Children of Men
Magazine you looked at: Vibe
Thing you ate:
Book you read:
T.v. show you watched:
Time you cried: Today
Took a shower: This morning
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): From My Grandma
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): Legal Seafood
CD you bought: I don't... I find them at work
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: When I woke up this morning
Your most prized possession: Me
Your first vehicle: 1978 MGB
Your current vehicle: 2002 Infiniti I35 & 2007 Chevy Impala (company car)
Your favorite quote: Walk with kings yet keep the common touch
You bedtime (on average): Whenever my body tells me.
Your best trait/characteristic: My determination
Your worst trait/characteristic: My Stuburness
Do You....
Store things under your bed: No
Daydream: Yes
Have a computer at home: Yes
Live in the city, suburbs or country: Downtown Charm City
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: between 4 walls
Own a cell phone: Yes
Have a good luck charm: No
Collect anything: No...I hate being a pack-rat
Attend high school or college: Been there... done that...got my paper... now paying for it
Make good grades: Graduated Suma Cum
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: Yes
Had teeth pulled?: Yes...how do you think I got the gorgeous smile- luck?
Broke the law intentionally: No... not intentionally
Ran away from home?: No...what for? All I had to do was keep my room clean, get good grades & not give her any problems!
Broke a bone?: No
Cheated on a test/exam: No
Had a friend pass away: Yes, Robert L. Beverly R.I.P.
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: Yes...Last Easter Sunday goin home on the BW Pkwy...he slapped me with 3!
Been in an auto accident: Yes
Lied to someone: I try not to make it a habbit
Been lied to: Yes
Your Favorite....
Place to be: Anywhere but work
Place to visit:
Place to chill: Anywhere with family,friends, good food and lots of drinks.
Non-Alcoholic drink: water
Alcoholic drink: Mojito
Type of food: Anything other than fast food
Meal/Food dish:
Shampoo & Conditioner:
Toothpaste: Crest Whitening
Salad dressing: Blue Cheese
Ice cream: Cold Stone's Cake Badder
Fast food establishment: Chipotle
Color: Black
Season: Summer
Holiday: Can't wait for them to be over with
Perfume/Cologne: Cologne
Video Game: a waste of time
T.V. show: The Wire
Article of clothing: The Gap's 1969 Blue Jeans
Book: Autobiography of Malcolm X
Children's Book: Green Eggs & Ham
Candy: Now or Laters
Car: the company whip- the '07 Pimp-pala
Do You Believe....
In Karma: For sure...ask my ex
In God: Yes
In Heaven & Hell: Yes
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): My Mom Moved to DC from Roswell New Mexico
That ghosts exist: I'm not saying no, but I've neve met one
In horoscopes: Sometimes
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): To some extent
In yourself: Yes...If I just met me, I would trust me
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: Where's My Fryin' Pan?
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: If you feel like standin' up all early in the mornin' and repeatin' all of that ...more power to you
On homosexuals in the military: Can that Queen point and shoot that riffle at the enemy? Shims on my team any day!!
The war in the Middle East: Don't even get me started...Bring our troops home
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: Someone in California re-elected him
Current gas/fuel prices: In the wise words of Kat Wiliams/Money Mike... "I shouldn't have to be makin' life deicsions at the gas pump..."
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dl0QQ8gEZQhttp://www.youtube .com/watch?v=UUPCBmcpNzkHBO's The Wire, Russell Simmons' Def Comedy Jam, Logo's Noah's Arc, Sunday afternoons watching the Baltimore Raven's or the Washington Redskin's.
Angela Davis' Autobiograpy, Zora Neale Hurston's-There Eye's Were Watching God, Bell Hooks'-Black People & Love, Ralph Ellison's-Invisible Man, Saphire's- Push, Hannah Crafts'- The Bondwoman's Narrative, Toni Morrison's-Beloved (which there are parts I still don't really understand), Upton Sinclairs'-The Jungle.... I can really go on but, that's enough for now.
The strong black men & women that have come before me, those whose dreams and aspirations were never realized. It is only through me and my legacy that those unrealized dreams can come into fruition.