Mechande profile picture


If you don't grind... you don't shine...if you don't don't eat... I like to eat well

About Me

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very own MySpace LayoutsI am someone's daughter, granddaughter, sister, neice, aunt, cousin,friend,ex-girlfriend,co-worker neighbor and citizen of the world. If you were to ask all of these people to whom I belong,"Who is Mechande?" They would probably say she is: Charasmatic, charming, loving, affectionate, hilarious,driven, determined,a hustler, a friend, a good lover, bull-headed, a neat freak, an awsome cook, a dog lover, a person who handles her business, a person with the gift of the "gab",a person who knows A LOT of people, but only keeps a select few close, protective of those I care for, a praying person,an honest person, a crative person and in all of these described characteristics- I am that and so much more... I am simply Mechande. My roots are deeply planted in the center of Black Intelegencia A.K.A. "The Mecca" B.K.A. where Kalis discovered her "Milk Shake on the Yard" forever and always HOWARD UNIVERSITY!!Every monrin' I get up tryin' to figure out how to make this day better than yesterday's. Often, I evaluate my decisions; some good and other's not, but I try not to beat myself up too bad over them.By nature, I am a hustler,it comes naturally to me- I get it from my Daddy. Not in the negative since of the word, but from the humanistic perspective of the word. We are all trying to live out our dreams of something better, something greater than what is, something more than just _____________. As with most everything I do, I do it with passion, vigor, courage, determination,love,honesty and style... "I make it do what it do baby..."

My Interests

I love hangin'with my friends, goin' to shows or concerts, maybe a movie that's worth seeing, Catching up with old friends, cookin' big ole country breakfasts' on Sunday.


Imagine this world without it... Now imagine pure chaos.


***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: You know what it is
Age: 30 and over club
Month of birth: May
Any Siblings?: 1 Bro(mom) 2 Sis(Dad)
Parents still married?: Nope
Occupation: Pharmacuetical Sales Rep.
Do you like your job?: Sometimes
Any pets?: Yes... An Argentine Mastiff & an American Cocker Spaniel
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Dark Brown
Shoe size: 7&1/2 - 8
Any Tattoos?: Yes
Any Piercings?: No
Current mood: Cramping
Current wardobe choice: Business Suits (9a-5p) & Grown & Sexy (7p-until)
What are you listening to?: Some wacked out American Idol chick
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: My Girl Tommy
What do you currently smell like?: Issey Miyake (Bleue)
Movie you watched:Children of Men
Magazine you looked at: Vibe
Thing you ate:
Book you read:
T.v. show you watched:
Time you cried: Today
Took a shower: This morning
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): From My Grandma
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): Legal Seafood
CD you bought: I don't... I find them at work
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: When I woke up this morning
Your most prized possession: Me
Your first vehicle: 1978 MGB
Your current vehicle: 2002 Infiniti I35 & 2007 Chevy Impala (company car)
Your favorite quote: Walk with kings yet keep the common touch
You bedtime (on average): Whenever my body tells me.
Your best trait/characteristic: My determination
Your worst trait/characteristic: My Stuburness
Do You....
Store things under your bed: No
Daydream: Yes
Have a computer at home: Yes
Live in the city, suburbs or country: Downtown Charm City
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: between 4 walls
Own a cell phone: Yes
Have a good luck charm: No
Collect anything: No...I hate being a pack-rat
Attend high school or college: Been there... done my paper... now paying for it
Make good grades: Graduated Suma Cum
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: Yes
Had teeth pulled?: do you think I got the gorgeous smile- luck?
Broke the law intentionally: No... not intentionally
Ran away from home?: No...what for? All I had to do was keep my room clean, get good grades & not give her any problems!
Broke a bone?: No
Cheated on a test/exam: No
Had a friend pass away: Yes, Robert L. Beverly R.I.P.
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: Yes...Last Easter Sunday goin home on the BW Pkwy...he slapped me with 3!
Been in an auto accident: Yes
Lied to someone: I try not to make it a habbit
Been lied to: Yes
Your Favorite....
Place to be: Anywhere but work
Place to visit:
Place to chill: Anywhere with family,friends, good food and lots of drinks.
Non-Alcoholic drink: water
Alcoholic drink: Mojito
Type of food: Anything other than fast food
Meal/Food dish:
Shampoo & Conditioner:
Toothpaste: Crest Whitening
Salad dressing: Blue Cheese
Ice cream: Cold Stone's Cake Badder
Fast food establishment: Chipotle
Color: Black
Season: Summer
Holiday: Can't wait for them to be over with
Perfume/Cologne: Cologne
Video Game: a waste of time
T.V. show: The Wire
Article of clothing: The Gap's 1969 Blue Jeans
Book: Autobiography of Malcolm X
Children's Book: Green Eggs & Ham
Candy: Now or Laters
Car: the company whip- the '07 Pimp-pala
Do You Believe....
In Karma: For sure...ask my ex
In God: Yes
In Heaven & Hell: Yes
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): My Mom Moved to DC from Roswell New Mexico
That ghosts exist: I'm not saying no, but I've neve met one
In horoscopes: Sometimes
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): To some extent
In yourself: Yes...If I just met me, I would trust me
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: Where's My Fryin' Pan?
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: If you feel like standin' up all early in the mornin' and repeatin' all of that ...more power to you
On homosexuals in the military: Can that Queen point and shoot that riffle at the enemy? Shims on my team any day!!
The war in the Middle East: Don't even get me started...Bring our troops home
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: Someone in California re-elected him
Current gas/fuel prices: In the wise words of Kat Wiliams/Money Mike... "I shouldn't have to be makin' life deicsions at the gas pump..."
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Television: .com/watch?v=UUPCBmcpNzkHBO's The Wire, Russell Simmons' Def Comedy Jam, Logo's Noah's Arc, Sunday afternoons watching the Baltimore Raven's or the Washington Redskin's.


Angela Davis' Autobiograpy, Zora Neale Hurston's-There Eye's Were Watching God, Bell Hooks'-Black People & Love, Ralph Ellison's-Invisible Man, Saphire's- Push, Hannah Crafts'- The Bondwoman's Narrative, Toni Morrison's-Beloved (which there are parts I still don't really understand), Upton Sinclairs'-The Jungle.... I can really go on but, that's enough for now.


The strong black men & women that have come before me, those whose dreams and aspirations were never realized. It is only through me and my legacy that those unrealized dreams can come into fruition.