-My name is Sami.
-I'm 19, almost 20 (august wooo).
-I'm one of the few girls around who doesn't get mad over petty shit, but I do have my moments.
-I'm one of the guys, and I'm okay with that.
-I'm probably one of the most genuine people you will ever meet.
-I love meeting new people, but I hate it when people add me and don't talk to me.
-I just moved to Great Lakes, Il about a month ago from a little bitty town outside of Quincy, Il (redneckville, USA). Yes that means I have a funny accent. Deal with it.
-Quincy's a superficial small town with rediculous people in it who love drama and are only your friend to make themselves look good (sorry, but it's true.). There are very few people there who are genuine, you know who you are.
-I'm starting to finally figure out who I am, and I love it.
-I don't really know much about this area, but would love for someone to show me around.
-I'm a hopeless romantic, always have been. And that means I get my heart broken a lot.
-I'm single, and okay with that.
-You never know who God is going to put in your life, so take full advantage of those he does.
-I believe everything happens for a reason.
-Hit me up on here or aim or whatever. I love to talk (as long as you actually have a personality and you're not trying to be another "cool myspace scenester").
-AOL: shmami87