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My first language is sarcasm

About Me

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My Interests

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Currently in:Toronto Canada studying something in The school of hard knocks


As a Gemini:
Bodybuilding, Art/Interior design, reading, learning new things and meeting ppl! ~been dying to do sumtin Spontaneous!

What's on my Playlist:
I can't live a life without music! these are some of the sounds i listen to:
Switchfoot(Erosion), Micheal Buble (You dont' know me), Punk/Alternative(survival of the fattest), some Hip-hop and house. but, I'm mostly R&B.

The city of the gods, Van Wilder, Cable Guy, The longest yard, Fight club, The beautiful mind, Shawshank Redemption and some movies that i don't remember.

Design, Art, Biography...any!!
"The best talent is the ability to creatively LEARN w/o boundaries & the acquired guidance of books"

A little about Me:

My names Matt:,I grew up in the busy city of Toronto Canada but, i also live in Sterling and Mannssas Virginia. Im known to laugh for no reason. Havin fun is a major thing on my list, and munching out is always fun. Anything else just ask. Just here for friends.

School, Coffee, Training, study at a coffee shop, eat every 3 hours, count Protein intake & carbs, write down stuff to do for tommorow, then..... sleep.
My life has changed so much that I can’t keep track of where I have been. I just have to concentrate on where I’m going.
Head below to Grow. Eyes at the sky to Rise. The only barrier is the MIND.
"Ignore the past,"and you'll be doomed in the future to make the same mistakes — repeatedly." Instead, study the past and profit from it.I would rather aim at the moon and miss, than aim at the gutter and hit it!
Life~ you must live it! boooyah!:
There's CHOICE and there's DESTINY. (pick one!):

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