Crocheting, listening to meditative sounds, sharing joy with my children,creating and strengthening my business. ..
Ones who can identify their purpose on this Earth. I enjoy constructive reasonings! I am a virtueous Queen on this land you know, so many powers I can manifest upon this land cuz I know who I am and what I stand for. Give thanks to all who trod in the way of RastafarI and our great Queen of Ethiopia Empress Menen. No correction is neccessary when I hail our Kings and Queens, who have kept our land strong and secure then,now, and forward time to come. Send I a link if you share my medi. Great minds deserve prosperity.
Culture reggae music, Midnite, Nyahbinghi chanting, Yahadanai-One Atonement Sound
This video is dedicated mostly to Ramona Africa, the only adult survivor of the bombing of MOVE house in Philadelphia May 13,1985.It's important for more and more people to know about that story.Since that day,we still on the MOVE,the Spirit of JOHN AFRICA stretches to everycorner of the Earth. FORWARD to my blog for more insights about this movement or check out
From Niggas to Gods part-1 How the Blood of Afrika Feeds the Arteries of European Civilization.-Check them out they are deep.
All strong black men and strong black women with true pride. Ones who work hard and have a main goal to reclaim their true identity, our Kingdom and Queendom.