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Jen If Ah

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About Me

My Story The year of 2004 came and went by so quickly. I was working full-time in human resources, was planning my wedding, and around two hours a day was spent commuting back and forth to work. I was running on adrenaline. I was tired most days, but figured it was from all the stress. My big day was October 9, 2004. It was a gorgeous day, everything turned out perfect. Soon after I noticed I was itching quite frequently, mainly on my legs. I also started having sweats. It was just about winter time, and each night I would wake up soaked. Chris thought I was losing my mind. I began to question it myself.
The beginning of 2005 I started to develop a dry cough. I've always had allergies, but it was mainly sinuses. The cough seemed to worsen and I had a heavy feeling in my chest. I went to my PCP in February and she decided to put me on Advair for asthma symptoms. I wasn't physically checked, it was just "assumed." So, I listened to doctor's orders. I made an appointment for a physical on March 10. I was hoping for some "answers." Instead I got an A-OK check-up.
Chris and I planned our honeymoon for March 26 - April 2, 2005. We went to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Unfortunately, we had an awful experience. We both got sick with traveler's diarrhea. When we got back to good old US of A, we went to our PCP's. We were put on an antibiotic. The diarrhea went away, but I still felt really sick. I started a job at a career school as the Director of Career Services on April 14th. I had finally landed a challenging job. I was working 11 hour days, lecturing to a room full of students two hours at a time. My cough was unbearable. The itching was driving me crazy.
I decided to go back to the PCP, but decided to see someone else there. This doctor decided to do a breathing test. I did this whole test to see if I actually had asthma. My breathing results were good, I didn't have asthma. So, I was told that it was "probably" allergies which was related to the itching and coughing. I was given a prescription for Singulair. Needless to say I didn't fill it. April 20th I had a chest xray just to make sure everything looked okay. April 21st I was sitting in my office and the nurse called stating I had pneumonia. I was so extremely sick I was out of work for a week and a half. I was put on antibiotics and cough medicine and abuterol inhalers. My symptoms only worsened. I went back to work knowing I had to because I had just started this new job.
I had a second chest xray the first week of May and it showed I still had a spot in my lung. A catscan was ordered since I wasn't getting any better. It wasn't scheduled until Mary 24th though. Sunday, May 22nd, I was by myself all day. I was feeling extremely ill. I was lying on the couch and felt my neck. I felt a lump but didn't think too much of it. I stayed on the couch for another couple of hours. Around 11pm I went up to bed and was brushing my teeth in front of the mirror when I noticed that my neck was swollen from my collarbone up to my throat on my right side. Chris was at work, so I freaked out and called my Mother. She told me to call the doctor, I didn't want to but I did. He told me to go to the ER. I asked him what he thought it might be, and he said a swollen air sac, since I had been coughing for months and strained it. By the time we got to the ER it was almost 1 in the morning. They did another chest xray and said that it was still pneumonia, but there were was more than one spot on my lung now. He told me to follow up with my doctor on Monday. I went to the doctor on Monday and he still was unsure, he said that the catscan scheduled for Tuesday would show more. I had my catscan, was back in my doctors on Wednesday, and he was telling me I needed to go see a surgeon for a possible biopsy. I went in on Thursday, May 26th to the surgeon, still thinking I had pneumonia. My surgeon told me I had Lymphoma. I had cancer. I was in complete shock. I had my Mother and Chris in the examining room with me thank God. I just couldn't believe that one minute I had pneumonia, and now I'm being told I have cancer. I was sent right over to the hospital and they took out of my neck my lymphnode, which had swollen to 8cm with cancerous cells. I was then admitted to the hospital on Friday and stayed until Tuesday. I was dehydrated, and wasn't eating. My family and I went to Dana Farber Institute in Boston on June 1st to get a second opinion. They are one of the best cancer institutes in the world. The doctor told us that treatment through Maine Medical Center is equal and it would be easier for me without the commute. I started treatment on June 10th, 2005. I had six months of chemotherapy. I was diagnosed with stage IVb Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkins Disease. My tumors were in my neck, chest, underarms, and left lung.
December 14, 2005 the scan came back, my cancer was growing. I went for a second biopsy of the node in my neck (the same spot I had the last biopsy.) They wanted to make sure that I did in fact have Hodgkins Disease. They said there could be a possibility of it being Non-Hodgkins as well. It was confirmed it was just Hodgkins. I started chemo again, but with different drugs (ICE) is the acronym. This was to consist of three days in a row of treatment, lasting 6 hours a day. I was to do this twice, consisting of six total treatments. I only made it through a day and a half. The ICE took a toll on me and landed me in the hospital. I was then switched to GND. I had a CAT scan and finally got some good news. My tumors were shrinking. I had an autologous stem cell transplant. I had an IV catheter placed in my neck which was for harvesting my cells and for the transplant. I was admitted to Maine Medical Center on February 27th. On March 7th, 2006 I received my own stem cells. I was there for a month.
Five weeks later I got word that my tumors were growing again. I had 21 rounds of radiation the neck and chest area. A scan was done in the end of June. Results came back showing that it appeared the spots in my lung were growing again. I had two lung biopsies which both came back inconclusive. I went to DFCI to meet with a transplant doctor. He confirmed that it was the Hodgkins. I started chemotherapy in Maine - GND again. The next step was to find a match for me so I could have an allogeneic stem cell transplant. October 12, 2006 a match was found. It was a mismatched unrelated donor, meaning the chances of it working were a lot less than if it was a perfect matched donor. I was admitted into Brigham and Women's Hospital on November 8th. I had chemo the 9th-12th. November 14, 2006 I got my donor's stem cells. January 5, 2007 my PET scan came back clear for the first time ever, meaning remission! March 29, 2007 a tumor is found behind my stomach. May 1, 2007 Graft vs. Host Disease sets in. (GVHD - donor's immune system recognizes aspects of my body as "foreign" and mounts an immune attack.) June 28,2007 GVHD becomes extensive and is in my eyes, mouth, and a rash is on my body. Back on the immunosuppressent drug.Keep pushing on day by day. Just keep smiling and laughing. It's brought me this far.

Where is my donor?
My donor was found through the NMDP (National Marrow Donor Program.) The NMDP follows strict confidentiality standards to protect the privacy of both the patient and donor. According to their standards, the patient and donor cannot learn each other's identities for at least the first year after transplant. Some centers do not ever allow the patient or donor to learn each other's identities. After transplant, the NMDP may help me and my donor to communicate without knowing each other's names. For example, I may be able to send cards and letters through the transplant center and donor center coordinators. They will check the letters to be sure no identifying details are shared. These rules vary from center to center. Some centers do not allow the patient or donor to have any kind of contact at all. After one year, many centers allow the patient to meet their donor if both sign release forms. In this case, the NMDP will let me know how to contact each other. Some centers do not allow the patient to have contact with the donor at any time. In my situation, I learned that my donor is from Europe. I had to sign consent forms stating that my donor may have been exposed to Mad Cow Disease. But, I know she isn't sick because she had to go through a whole bunch of tests to make sure she is very healthy. Information shared is only supposed to be age and gender. All I know is that my donor is a 24 year old female that has traveled between Germany and Egypt in the past year.My tissue typing is very unique, like I was told before. Therefore, it is a mismatched unrelated donor -11/12 antigens match. It's a good match but not perfect, meaning that my body could reject her stem cells. The whole reason for this transplant is to give me the chemo which will suppress (wipe out) my immune system since it is weak and then replace it with my donor's immune system which is healthy. Hoping that my body accepts the donors cells and builds a new immune system in my body to fight the cancer cells and put me into remission.I would LOVE to meet my donor. It would be pretty crazy if she was on MySpace! Even if she's not, I want everyone to know how grateful I am for her. She gave me the gift of life. She is my hero!Keep Smiling, Fighting, & Laughing

My Interests


May 2005 Diagnosed Hodgkins Disease - Stage 4b, Nodular Sclerosis (NS)
June 2005 - Started 12 treatments of ABVD
December 2005 - Scan came back tumors were growing
January 2006 - ICE - Maine Center for Cancer Medicine, ME - 1 round
January 2006 - Admitted into Maine Medical Center, ME side effects from ICE
January 2006 - GND - Maine Center for Cancer Medicine, ME - 2 rounds
February 2006 - 5 days of high dose chemotherapy - Maine Medical Center, ME
March 2006 - Autologous Stem Cell Transplant - Maine Medical Center, ME
April 2006 - Tumors growing - 21 Rounds of radiation - York County Cancer Care Center, ME
June 2006 - Scan came back tumors were growing in lung
July 2006 - GND - Maine Center for Cancer Medicine, ME - 2 rounds
November 2006 - 4 days of nonmyeloablative chemotherapy - Dana Farber Cancer Institute, MA
November 2006 - Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant - Dana Farber Cancer Institute, MA
November 2006 - Velcade, Clinical Trial, Phase I - Dana Farber Cancer Institute, MA
March 2007 - Tumor found behind stomach
May 2007 - Chronic Graft vs. Host Disease sets in from donor's stem cells. Put back on immunosuppresant drugs and high dose of Prednisone.
August 2007 - Rituxan, chemotherapy to help alleviate cGVHD.
ABVD Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, Dacarbazine
ICE Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, Etoposide
GND Gemzar, Navelbine and Doxil

I'd like to meet:

What is Hodgkins Disease?(also called Hodgkin's lymphoma), is a cancer that starts in lymphatic tissue. Lymphatic tissue includes the lymph nodes and related organs that are part of the body's immune and blood-forming systems. The lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped organs located underneath the skin in the neck, underarm, and groin. Lymph nodes are also found inside the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Hodgkin's disease is not contagious. You can't "catch" this disease from another person.
What are Lymph nodes? Lymph nodes make and store infection-fighting white blood cells, called lymphocytes. They are connected throughout the body by lymph vessels (narrow tubes similar to blood vessels). Lymph vessels carry a clear, watery fluid (lymphatic fluid) that contains lymphocytes. Eventually the lymphatic fluid is emptied into the blood vessels in the left upper chest. The lymph nodes are a part of a larger system called the the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system includes the spleen, the bone marrow, and the thymus.
What is a Spleen? The spleen is an organ in the left side of the upper abdomen that is mainly composed of mature and immature lymphocytes. It removes old cells and other particles from the blood.
What is Bone Marrow? Bone marrow is the spongy tissue inside the bones. It produces new red and white blood cells including lymphocytes.
What is the Thymus? The thymus is a small organ in the chest that is important in developing a special lymphocyte called a T cell.
More about Hodgkin's Disease Hodgkin's disease can start almost anywhere lymph nodes are present. It often starts in lymph nodes in the upper part of the body (chest, neck, or under the arms). Hodgkin's disease enlarges the lymphatic tissue, and often causes pressure on important structures (such as nearby organs). It can spread through the lymphatic vessels to other lymph nodes. Most Hodgkin's disease spreads to nearby lymph node sites in the body, lymph nodes that are far away. On rare occasions, Hodgkin's disease gets into the blood vessels. When it gets into the blood vessels, it can spread to almost any other part of the body, including the liver and lungs. In Hodgkin's disease, cells in the lymphatic system become abnormal. They divide too rapidly and grow without any order or control.
Symptoms There are many symptoms and each individual may not experience all symptoms. Some of the symptoms are: A painless swelling in the lymph nodes in the neck, underarm, or groin, unexplained recurrent fevers, night sweats, unexplained weight loss (not associated with eating disorders), and itchy skin. If you are experiencing these symptoms. Please visit a doctor immediately.
How is it Diagnosed? Your doctor may perform a series of tests to determine if you have Hodgkin's Disease. The tests may include, blood tests, x-rays, ct scans, and/or and MRI. CT (or CAT) scan: A series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): Detailed pictures of areas inside the body produced with a powerful magnet linked to a computer.
Treatment Treatment depends on many different things. Some of factors are: the stage of the disease, the size of the enlarged lymph nodes, which symptoms are present, the age and general health of the patient.
Methods of Treatment Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are the most common treatments for Hodgkin's disease. Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy) is the use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells.
Statistics Hodgkin's disease, accounts for less than 1 percent of all cases of cancer in the United States. It is more common in men than in women.
Cancer Cells The cancer cells in Hodgkin's disease are called Reed-Sternberg cells. The cells were named after the two doctors who first described them in detail.






More about Jennifer
So I realized that I have this great MySpace page about me and my cancer and didn't really let anyone in on the Jennifer "without cancer." So here it goes.
I'm a true Mainer, born and lived here my whole life. I didn't think I'd want to stay here when I was younger but have come to appreciate living five minutes from the ocean and still being out in the country. I love my family. Without them I don't know what I would do. I was your "normal" kid growing up. I loved the 80's. I had 12 Cabbage Patch Kids, My Little Ponies, and watched the Smurfs. I am the only child of my mother and father. My Mother has a daughter from her previous marriage, Shelley, whom I call my sister. Shelley is eight years older than I am. She and I are very close. She has been the strong one for me. The bigger sister always looking after her little sis. My Father has two sons from his previous marriage, Hank and Carl. They are eight and seven years older than me respectively. Unfortunately, we haven't seen them in many years. We have tried getting in contact with them numerous times, but no such luck. So I am the "baby" in the family. I graduated high school in 1997 and went right on to college. I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do, but figured it was the "right" thing. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 2001. I had a couple of jobs which led me into Human Resources. I realized that I loved working with people and wanted to help. I just didn't know exactly how to do this. When I came to a dead-end in that job I moved onto a challenging job as Director of Career Services at a career school. I was teaching career classes, placing students on externships, and helping them find jobs. I was only on this job for a month when I was diagnosed with cancer. My health took priority and I had to forfeit.
Here we are two years later after May 26, 2005 the day that changed my life. So much has happened! I'm still fighting Lymphoma. I've had numerous months of chemotherapy, five weeks of radiation, two stem cell transplants, a clinical trial drug, and am now in the "waiting" phase. Still in a "bubble" from the outside world, I'm just taking it day by day. Keep Fighting, Smiling, & Laughing. That is what I do every day.
So you ask, what DO YOU DO? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to shop. Yeah, so as you can imagine these past six months of "isolation" have been extremely difficult for Little Miss Fashion Queen. Hello! Ebay!! I am such a bargain shopper though. I'm the one that comes out with a full bag in hand having spent only $20. I love to listen to music, most anything that has a good beat or good meaning. I love to dance. That's one thing that I miss a lot is going out dancing. I don't watch much tv, but like American Idol and Desperate Housewives. I haven't seen many movies since I've been homebound, but love scary movies!! I'm creative. I like to scrapbook, make people cards instead of buying them, and make collages. I have a potbellied pig as a pet. Many people ask why a pig, my reply is why not. I have allergies to dogs and cats and know there are hypoallergenic kinds, but none were of interest me. I've always loved pigs and researched them for a couple of years. When I was diagnosed I made the decision to adopt Willa. She has been a challenge, but has kept me "sane" through all of this. She's a great companion and is my baby. I love to have friends, as many as I can get. Friends are so precious, they make life what it is. I enjoy every second spent with them. Each one is so different and has so much to offer me and this world. I have "met" many of my friends on MySpace. It has shown me that there still is so much human kindness in this world. Everyone has their struggles in life and everyone has something to offer each other. The support I have gotten from here is amazing. It is one of my "life-line's." I love to go camping. When I was little my family used to go every weekend, rain or shine. I like to walk. I like to bike ride. I love walking in the rain in the summer. I prefer a lake to the ocean. I can't swim, but I can do the doggy paddle. I want to be a mother. I always wanted to have twins, a boy and a girl. At this point, chances are slim of me conceiving because of all of the therapy. I would LOVE to adopt, but because of my health that is not an option right now. I love children. I would love to have one of my own. I know that might not happen and have learned to accept that. I thought I had found "true love" but realized that I didn't. A heart broken isn't easy to fix, but a strong woman that has been through what most people don't ever see during their whole lifetime can never be broken.
What are my plans? Hmmm...good question. One day at a time. That's all we are all given. We don't have a guarantee of tomorrow. I wake up each day thankful that I am alive. I keep putting one foot in front of the other with a smile on my face. Humor is the best medicine.
That's me in a nutshell and piled into a piece of MySpace. If you have questions, ask. I'm really open and honest. Nothing to hide. Remember to 'Dance like no one is watching; sing like no one is listening; love like you've never been hurt; and live every day as if it were your last.'


My Oncologist from Maine Center for Cancer Medicine:
Dr. Jacquelyn Hedlund
My Oncologist from Dana Farber Cancer Institute:
Dr. Vincent Ho and his fellow Dr. Ann Mullally
My Radiologist from Cancer Care Center of York County:
Dr. Sarah Thurman

Alese Coco (March 10, 1984 - May 7, 2007):
A fighter who is my true inspiration to Fight2Win this battle with Hodgkins

My Blog

Giving Back

Hello,   Just wanted to let you all know about the Cancer Community Center located in South Portland, Maine.  I have been involved with them since the beginning of my diagnosis.  They h...
Posted by Jen If Ah on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 11:08:00 PST

Round 1: Accomplished

One down, three to go.  I met with Dr. Hedlund at 8 AM this morning.  She went over the treatment I would be receiving to try and control this lovely cGVHD.  Rituxan chemotherapy.&nbs...
Posted by Jen If Ah on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 05:27:00 PST

I’m Too Young For This

Posted by Jen If Ah on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 01:01:00 PST

The Next Step

I am still feeling very much under the weather. My breathing continues to worsen and I can't keep any solids or liquids in me, when I'm able to get any in. My clothes are falling off and my face is ve...
Posted by Jen If Ah on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:22:00 PST


Long day yesterday, Wednesday, August 15.  The day that NEVER seemed to come soon enough is finally over!!!  Since the beginning of my diagnosis I have to say that this appointment was the m...
Posted by Jen If Ah on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 10:39:00 PST

Promising treatment target found in Hodgkin lymphoma

My friend's Shannon & Joe just forwarded me this link: atment-target-found-in-hodgkin-lymphoma.html Dana Farber discovered some interes...
Posted by Jen If Ah on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 05:02:00 PST


It just seems like everywhere you turn someone else has cancer. Old, young, black, white; cancer doesn't care who you are.  It tries to take over your body. Those that are strong and able fight t...
Posted by Jen If Ah on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 04:54:00 PST

Breathe In

Me again. So, this GVHD is really a challenge. Who would have thought that it would be worse than side effects from the cancer itself.  My mouth and eyes continue to worsen. I'm still on a soft d...
Posted by Jen If Ah on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 02:49:00 PST

How Much More?

I am so exhausted. The cGVHD continues to worsen. My eyes are bloodshot and so dry. The other day my right eyes completely swelled shut. My mouth sores contine to spread. I try to eat each day.  ...
Posted by Jen If Ah on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 02:59:00 PST

Check it out!

  As most of you remember, I was following Alese Coco's fight with Hodgkins disease for the past couple of years.  Sadly, Alese passed away May 7, 2007.  She has been and still is my in...
Posted by Jen If Ah on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 05:50:00 PST