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We're ready to assist you with your planning and excecution of your most important gathering.
With LUCKY'S ENTERTAINMENTS street-team, people will know about your party/event in a few hours. Also to make your party/event a success LUCKY'S ENTERTAINMENT has a host of models, photogphers, limo services & caters, to assist your every party/event needs.
OH did I forget to mention "Celebrities", WE got it all!! Your party is sure to be a blast!!
Do you want the world to know about your event? Do you want your party/event to be the talk of the town? LUCKY'S ENTERTAINMENT can also provide you with radio play, that will make your party/event a memorable one.
LUCKY'S ENTERTAINMENT also provides picture packages for our friends and families that are incarcerated.Yes, here at LUCKY'S ENTERTAINMENT, we know people have certain difficulties in life that has given them the shorter end of the stick, and to let them know "SOCIETY" hasn't forgotten about them, we've put together picture packages to make their time go by with ease.We have pictures, signed posters, mini magazines, bookmarks and letters from LUCKY'S ENTERTAINMENT Models to fulfill those incarcerated fantasy needs.