Trying to figure the world out, only to realize I know less and less.
Living, I would like to meet Bruce Campbell, he is the man I want to be.If I could go back in time I would like to meet John Stuart Mill, and discover what he would think about the drastic differences in opinions modern utilitarians have(mainly singer versus Friedman).
I think if James Bond were real AND a musician he would be Johnny Cash. I think Ween is cool also.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Any horror movie made before the 80's (special emphasis on zombie related movies). Life Aquatic
I dont have television, but when i watch cartoons, i usualy enjoy them.
Anything by George Orwell, Nicomachean Ethics, A Theory of Justice, Wheel of Time Series, Locke's Work. i donno, i read a lot.
Batman. And Lindsay for being able to put up with me for so long.