Where to start... so many... so many which are amazing and worthwhile... but also lots of fickle one's:Socialising, music, reading, dancing, my law stuff, my dog, philosophy, vintage shops, beaches, red wine, languages, whiskey, celebrity trashy gossip, politics, travel, fundraising, clubbing, walking, eating, gigs...I guess my two biggest passions are socialising and raising awareness and fundraising for Cancer Research UK...
Lemar; he would clearly want to marry me... (!)
Bob Marley, Diana Ross, Beverley Knight, Shirley Bassey, John Travolta, Bruce Willis...
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Everything and anything. When I have really thought about it I'll do a top 20 thing...
Blades of Glory, Shawshank Redemption, Grease, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Ghost, Dirty Dancing, Mary Poppins, Stand by Me, 28 Days Later, Road trip, Stuart Little, Mean Machine, Derby O'Gill and the Little People, Now and Then, About a boy, East is East, Shrek, Coyote Ugly, Ring of Fire, Unbreakable, The Green Mile, The Longest Yard, all the Rocky films, Independance day, My Father the Hero, Finding NemoDirty Dancing
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I don't watch Tv very often... I prefer to read...
If you like philosophy 'Think' is great.Lucky Bones, Angels, Lucky, The Guv'nor, The Guv'nors Wife, Forget You Had A Daughter, Just Law, The Five People You Meet In Heaven, The Boy who didn't speak... the list is endless...