-- I Buy mugs from places I visit
-- Addicted to chapstick
-- Always have my laptop with me
-- Like to burn incense
-- I'm near-sighted
-- I have my M1 License
Likes: BORAT!! Traveling, Laughing, Wine Tasting, FroYo, Camping, Dirt Bikes, Swimming, Being naked, Thai Food, Gummy Bears, Football, The 80s, Black and Red anything, Hot Tea, Text Messages, Pictures, My Dog, CSI: Vegas, Fossil Watches, Tall Sandals (3"+), pedicures, and my iPod.
Dislikes: TSA Workers at the airport!!, Tardiness, Fish, Chocolate, Rude People, Baseball, Country Music, Hairy Men, Western Movies, Traffic, Champagne colored cars, Drugs, Tailgaters, Blue-Ink Pens, White Wine, Homework, Voice Mail, Salt, PMS, and driving to Oxnard.