Travel, History, Art, Living, Learning, People, Language, Music, Science, Love, Healing.
Travelers, renegades, compulsive gigglers. New, similar, energetic people with whom I experience closeness, relatability and fun times!
Genres: rock, salsa, good pop, 80s, some metal, some softer stuff. Artists: Ambush(Peru), The New Gods, Shakira, Jehro, Ruthie Foster, the Gotan Project, old Metallica, Flor de Loto, Asylum Street Spankers, Louis Prima, Billy Idol, Dire Straits, Ella Fitzgerald, Sara Vaughn, Eisley, Rilo Kiley, Ozomatli, Etta James, Nellie Lutcher, the Apathy Eulogy, Louis Armstrong, Elvis, Duke Ellington, Aerosmith, Fleetwood Mac, Cristabel and the Jons, Blondie, Guns 'n' Roses, Bush, 80s Michael Jackson, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jason Mraz, Chris Botti, Michael Buble, Los Juanes, Weird Al Yankovic, LOTS of others.
Batman (most of them), V for Vendetta, The Corpse Bride, Amelie, Constantine, Nightmare Before Christmas, Sleepy Hollow, Pirates of the Carribean, A Knight's Tale, The Princess Bride, Big Trouble in Little China, Shanghai Knights, Bruce Almighty, The Mask, Enter the Dragon, The Jungle Book (live action), anything while Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is messing with it. On tap to see: I Heart Huckabees, Sweeny Todd, Rush Hour 3, Horton Hears a Who, Hot Rod, Drillbit Taylor, Bourne Ultimatum, Penelope, August Rush, Don't Mess with the Zohan, lots more.
House, Heroes, Scrubs, Bones, Saturday morning cartoons. I prefer movies. I watched the new Bionic Woman series because she is my namesake. I'd rather be out laughing with PEOPLE than by myself!
Terry Pratchett, Poe, Shakespeare, Douglas Adams, Roald Dahl, Neil Gaiman, many. Soon to come: any holy text I can get my hands on.
Good men.