Young and hansome with a slightly unnerving half broken half squeeky voice. I have great taste in T shirts and mainly enjoy wearing my knee high shorts and club sized trainers while walking around my neighbourhood being followed by shit loads of weirdos and a 6 ft bright orange tiger.....dunno if its the Lynx effect or the drugs!!
I am an avid songwriter and have penned many a catch jingle...I am most famous though, for my ground breaking and some say controversial "Its gonna taste great" ditty which has spawned many an imitator.
I see myself as a friend of the people, one of the lads, the kinda guy that gets on with everyone....maybe thats why I am constantly being followed.
My Interests
Eating cereal, rhyming crate with pirate, snooping on my brother snogging his bird and I also enjoy punching the air in a rather gay, but hip hop fashion.