ken 6000 profile picture

ken 6000

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

i am fun. ////sentimentality is like jerking off. afterwards you always feel dirty, and a little bit weaker. but i'm a sucker for it.oh yeah, and sentimentality too. really though...

My Interests

beer, babes, naked babes, coffee, friends on myspace, friends not on myspace, jager, pool, beer, tatoos, this chick i know, old school+underground hiphop, meaningful trinkets, heavy metal, swearing, painting stuff, keggers, granny smith apples, mexican food, camel lights, astrology, skating, riding, live shows.

I'd like to meet:

lovely vixen hynas. other libras. people with cool shoes.


the mars volta, atmosphere, blueprint, aesop, rjd2, aceyalone, abstract rude, stones throw, portishead, tom waits, deftones, cannibal corpse, pantera, wu-tang, pharcyde, kill the vultures, blue note records, tribe called quest, De La Soul, mr. shadow, eyedea+abilities, dan the automator, ben harper, jackjohnson, zion i, del the funky homosapien, atreyu, the roots, the B-52's,KRCL,local shit, recently, lots of smashing pumpikins m/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnN0cmFuZ2VmYW1vdXNyZWNvcmRzLmNvbQ==" target="_blank"


anything black and white, godfather, scarface, untouchables, casino, goodfellas, the crow, billy madison, anything by mr. tarantino, matrix 1, all the sequals sukt, indie flicks, anything with swartzanegger in it, all the rocky's, all the rambos, these are just some fav's .


merry melodies, simpsons, cartoons of any nature, national geopraphic, nature, nova, american tradition, anything on pbs, football, baseball, mexican channel, Dr. house is pretty funny, P.S.(i don't really have enough time to worry about t.v.) *see banner*


Lots of stephen king, and anne rice, i like classical literature too, but i dont read as much any more. dictionaries & thesauruses are fun..


mom, dad, my brother, my sister, gramma, my friends, my enemies, my ex-girlfriends, any one who succeeded when i could not. oh yeah....and the fonz. & Murs, he is better than your favorite rapper.

My Blog

i found this humorous, hope you do too

Guess who comming to dinner"The Elephant man The Elephant man"But he wants you to roll him a pinner"The hell if i can The hell If i Can"He said hes going to bring leonard skinner" OH im a hella of a f...
Posted by ken 6000 on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 09:01:00 PST

one more for ya

defies the deficit of dubious debts consolidates with lobster cages & fishnets her panty hose that stringed puppets  faces most know & taint wells stings these tales of crypt keeper coffi...
Posted by ken 6000 on Wed, 23 May 2007 04:57:00 PST

somthin from my jernals

    share mirrors amongst terror rides as they steer him   follow leaders pig tails & shaking with fever fig trees & 36 flavors   severe ties twist completely hea...
Posted by ken 6000 on Wed, 23 May 2007 04:24:00 PST


stupid computers. they're like t.v.'s
Posted by ken 6000 on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 07:13:00 PST