The Best things in life...Falling in love, laughing so hard, HURTS!!! a hot shower, a special glance, Getting mail, Hearing my favourite song on the radio, Lying in bed listening to the rain outside, Chocolate milkshake, a long distance phonecall, a bubble bath, Giggling, a good conversation, the beach, midnight phone calls that last for hours, running through sprinklers, Laughing for adsolutely no reason at all, laughing at an inside joke, Friends, waking up realising i have still a few hours left to sleep, making new friends or spending time with old ones, SWEET DREAMS, Hot chocolate, swinging on swings, Watching a good movie cuddled up on the couch w/ someone i love, Getting butterflies in my stomach every time i see that one person, Making eye contact w/ a cute strangers, seeing smiles and hearing laughter from my friends, holding hands w/ someone i care about, running in to an old friend and realising that some things good or bad never change, Discovering that love is unconditional and stronger than time, Hugging the person i love, watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from me, Watching the Sunrise, Getting out of bed every morning and thanking god for another beautiful day!!! SMILE!!!SMILE!!!SMILE!!!
brandon routh and cris evans=babe and hunk!!!drive me crazy
hiphop,sexysong,acoustic, punk and rock!!!
Harry potter and the lord of the ring's,superman,x-men,f=4, Romantic comedy
BASTA KAPUSO Love coh!!!...QTV...MYX...MTV...
actually, there's a book,which is really good,its called TUESDAY's w/ MORRIE written by an american, Mitch Albom, its a true story about someone who was one of his ex pupils on the news one nigth the news said that his pupil Morrie, was dying so the teacher went to visit him and he went to visit him and he went to visit him every tuesday, til he died, its a very sad book which really hits home,every one should read it every three or four year's it makes you realize how LUCKY you are..............