my morning cup of coffee, wearing my heart on my sleeve, tulips, baseball games (dodgers!), museums, little ones, making my mad/sad face, ice cream, seven jeans, pilates, napa, polka dots, shopping at target, college football, smoothies from this awesome spot in berkeley, hanging out with the lovely ladies in my life, missing southern california, finishing my master's degree, luv...
everyday i learn something new from my extraordinary students. they continue to remind me that life is all about the journey and not the destination.
audrey hepburn, johnny depp, vince vaughn and will ferrell movies
i love watching law and order, snl, the history channel and, of course, sex and the city with my best friend...ok, and i can't deny it. i love wheel of fortune and it is pretty much my ultimate dream to get on the show.
paulo coelho, thich nhat hanh, jonathan kozol, cornell west and shel silverstein
my dad, my grandma ann elizabeth and audrey hepburn