Juggalo Concerts and concerts in general/Horror Movies/Writing Rhymes n expressing my emotions through songs/being crazy, silly and goofy/watching wrestling/Freestyling, rapping in front of people to get the nervous vibe gone/the rest will follow as you walk into my world...!!!
This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3
this shit is funny!!!!Weird Al disses the fuck outta eminem!!!!!!!!!
Anyone who is willing to be nice with a personality that is cool!!LNOL!!Wrestling Freaks and Juggalos/Juggalettes that are true wit it!...Rappers...Musicians...DJS...Producers of Beats...table table { border:
Tech N9Ne, Esham, Insane Clown Posse, Psychopathic Records in general, Limp Bizkit, Korn, NATAS, Bedlam, INFAMOUS, Anybody Killa, King Gordy and lots of other shit...i have a diverse taste in music but this is what i am mainly listening to right now (i aint saying all i listen to but i might...who knows but whatever) ... music is my fuckin lifehttp://www.myspace.com/theoneandonlyxuracebro
HORROR AND COMEDYadam sandler movies are off the hook
evil dead 1-2
Army of Darkness
lots of other shit but this is all im saying for now...not sure why...i love movies though for real... i even wrote my own screenplay...
First Name: Jake
Middle Name: Jackson
Birthday: May 15 1986
Eyes: BLIZZue
Hair: short short SHORT brown
Fav color: s-orange, red, black
Day/Night: Night cause I love the darkness!
Fave Food: pizza!cause its my baby!
Do you ever wish you had another name? Jake only
Do you like anyone? why do you need to know about that shit?...
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? cant think right now
Who's the loudest? SHAWN COLLINS
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Melvin i guess even though we aint that close at all
Who's the shyest: ?
Are you close to any family members? Monica
When you cried the most: fuck you
What's the best feeling in the world: sex!
Worst Feeling: sex while getting killed
Let's walk on the: world
Let's run through: the woods
Let's look at the: pizza
What a nice: set of fun-bags!
Where did all the: hatchet family go?!
Why can't you: leave me the fuck alone you psycho?!
Silly, little: fuckin little drunk bastard nympho dwarfs
Tell me: why you ask me stupid shit
Ran away from home: do u really have to know what i do?
Pictured your crush naked: WHAT?! LNOLMAO ... [who hasnt though for real?]
Skipped school: ur a retard
Broken someone's heart: maybe, maybe not, why dont u ask her.
Been in love: lustly...maybe truthfully, but um...futurally nah
Cried when someone died: who hasnt?
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: everyone has
Done something embarrassing: everyone has
Done a drug: everyone has...u cant lie because medications are drugs too dumbass
Cried in school: fuck you you pussy
Your Good Luck Charm: hatchetman!
Person You Hate Most: cant think of this shit idiot
Best Thing That Has Happened: not sure but it would take a while what the fuck is wrong with u by the way
Ice Cream: birthday cake remix bitch!
WHO Makes you laugh the most: ICP
Makes you smile:
Has A Crush On You: how the fuck am i supposed to know
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: nah...ur mom likes me though...lnol
Fallen for your best friend?: nah
Made out with JUST a friend?: nah
Kissed two people in the same day?: hmm...
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: hmm...
Been rejected: . ur an idiot.
Been in love?: look above.
Been used?: like a toothbrush every day in someone's mouth
Done something you regret?: everyone has idiot
Cheated on someone?: what the fuck? do i look like a cheater? I aint a king, im the prince charming!
Been called a tease: nah
You touched?: my memory is gone yo for real
You talked to on the phone?: Andre
You hugged?: my memory is gone yo for real
You instant messaged?: Andre
You kissed?: Jessica
You yelled at?: not sure, was i asleep?
Who text messaged you?: hmm...
Who broke your heart?: hmm...kelly...possible?nah...
Who told you they loved you?: kelly...
Wrestling and Comedy Central and that is pretty much it!...for the most part...
autobiographies of wrestlers, Violent J's autobiography!!
Psychopathic Records' owners Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope because of all the hardships they been through to get where they are at right now in their life!!!!!I could type a story on it, but what is the point?...NO ONE WOULD READ IT!!