snowboarding ,Off roading, Football paintball rock climbing, fucking,Soccer,i just to get the magazine Weird New Jersey..and go to the haunted places,and weird places they told you to go to get some action..basically anything that will give me AN ADRENALINE RUSH
real sexy,smart ( or not to girlie.).night people, Great personality ... someone who is not afraid of been her self even if she makes a fool out her.. i miss new york!! people actually sleep in vegas ..
ALL just weird like that..
ACTION JACKSON ,DEBBY DOES DALLAS,.history relate dmovies horror,action,.Transformers..Felix The Cat,anime,Seven,faces of death,extrem sports,
history channel,animal discovery.i liked that 70's show at the beguining them it went down...
ancient mythology, history books .nothing to do with math ancient text
CAPTAIN AMERICA. straight up no laser shooting ill hit you with my shield bitch!.