Lindy Hop. Swing/Tango/Latin/Ballroom dancing. Sudoku. Poker. Craps. Travel.
People who love the movie "Hudson Hawk".
Jazz. Hip-Hop. Funk. R&B. Classic Rock
Thank You For Smoking. Ocean's 11. Ocean's 12. Rounders. Swingers. Kill Bill. Old School. Office Space. The Cooler. Million Dollar Baby. Super Size Me. Fast Food Nation.
Weeds. BSG. sports. Queer Eye. Project Runway. Work Out. Everything else sux.
The Fountainhead. The Millionaire Next Door. Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Freakonomics. Positively Fifth Street. Godel, Escher, Bach. Phil Gordon's Little Blue Book. Fast Food Nation. Reefer Madness.
Louis Armstrong. Miles Davis. Oscar Peterson. Bill Basie. Martin Luther King Jr. Steve Jobs.