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Miss Georgia Caribbean Pageant

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About The Pageant
The Miss Georgia Caribbean Pageantnow enters its fourth year ofPageantry. The Pageant’s Missionis to promote, highlight andpreserve the Caribbean heritageand culture within Georgia and isa first step in increasing thevisibility of the CaribbeanPeople.
The Miss Georgia CaribbeanPageant today announced it is nowaccepting registration for the2008 pageant. This prestigiouspageant attracts young ladies fromthe thirty-four (34) Caribbeanislands who are between the agesof eighteen (18) through twenty-five (25), are Caribbean nationalsor descendants and who wishes tobe a spokesperson for theCaribbean community withinGeorgia.
Application and registration information can bederived from the pageant’s websitewww.missgeorgiacaribbean.com or by calling the pageant information line at 678-754-3001.
“This pageant is becoming astaple within our Caribbeancommunity,” stated Ms. Sophia O’Brien, Pageant Director. Thepageant is known for itsspectacular display of Caribbeanculture and history as each islanddelegate participates in an islandwear, swim wear and talentcompetition.
The Miss Georgia Caribbean Pageantwas trademarked in 2003 and is amember of the Events, Pageants andIndividual Contestants (EPIC)International Association. TheMiss Georgia Caribbean Pageant hasmet all the standard establishedby EPIC and has been designated an“Approved Pageant”. The pageantdirector was also designated an“Approved and Accredited” pageantdirector. This pageant will beoperated under the Code of Ethicsand Rules of Censure asestablished by EPIC.
Pageantry, Fashion, Theatre, Music, Production.

My Blog

Miss Georgia Caribbean- Reinvented

Miss Georgia Caribbean  Reinvented In its fifth year of existence the Miss Georgia Caribbean Pageant has reinvented its pageantry system. The MGCP system took a year to examine its former system, c...
Posted by Miss Georgia Caribbean Pageant on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 09:29:00 PST