I am all about spirituality! I practice truth and the ongoing battle against conflict. The conditioned mind is something i work hard to Annihilate. I spent a decade and some years asleep and now I am awake. I am a vegetarian. I take the best of all the ancient spiritual teachings and practice them as best I can. I enjoy the Hindu philosophy from the upanishads, rig veda, bhagavad gita, etc.I believe in karma and reincarnation until liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Non-Violence is what I practice, i do not hurt animals or appreciate when they are treated lesser than humans. The soul is the soul and species selection or body is only a vehicle. Humans have higher consciousness (are supposed to but the way some of us act!) and thus makes us responsible to care for animals with lesser consciousness. I believe in organic and fair trade. I avoid toxins as best I can. I have a wonderful soul mate and her name is mikie.I love to help. I like to meditate. Through example i like to spark awareness in others. I carpool, recycle,and eliminate toxic products because i care about the planet.I want to be remembered not by what I have but what I gave.My purpose in life is to transcend ordinary consciousness and seek the unity of all mankind.My self made verses, unless someone else already said them that I am unaware of are"There is no end, there is only transcendence" , "Nothingness is everything" "There is no conflict in truth, if you believe you know truth but continue feeling distress and confusion then it is a lie , someone elses lie or your lying to yourself".I have a World rock fusion group by the name of Zenday found here on myspace. I drink lots of water. I play ok guitar. My friends are good to me.I really do love life.
Sci-Fi movies, BARAKA, true story's and love horror films too.
High Definition Television is where its at!
Gita, Bible, any books containing spirituality."Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About"--Kevn Trudeau.
Jesus,Krishna, my parents,HE-MAN, Buddah, , Maharaji-ji, Paramahansa Yogananda, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Sri Chinmoy, Krishnamurti, Osha, Yoda and anyone actively pursuing a spiritually fit life.