THE OCEAN.freediving,surfing,roads trips up and down the coast,Photgraphy,Reading,Spirituality,Real Hip Hop ,MCing,turtablism and Aerosol Art,Music,Being creative,Being myself...
I would like to soulmate I would like to fate I would like to meet...Influental people I would like to meet...Open minded people I would like to meet...Beautiful Women I would like to meet...Passionate people I would like to meet...REAL hip hop heads I would like to meet...Soul purpose people.
Jazz, Blues,Soul,Funk,Real MUSIC that is inspirational and makes me think.If i can relate to the lyrics or its got a phat sound then its all good.
ZOO LANDERRRRRRR,CHOPPER,Dances with wolves.Anything creative,not really a huge movie fan. Bodyboarding vids are a always good(Especially the Waldron Bros,Ian Stewart,Whitey). HIP HOP VIDS,stylewars,scratch,skiphop,(yeh yeh)beatstreet dirty hands 2.
BEWARE TELEVISION WILL BRAINWASH YOUR CHILDREN. use your imagination cause the equation will equal creation. Read a book ,.listen to real hip hop...U KNOW.
let's see...Dirty deeds Artillery...hype magazine[thanks for the good memories bill and james....juxtapoz mag... illegal fame....philosophy, anything that inspirational.
STEVE IRWIN [rip brother],anyone who has came from struggle and is still focused and trying to make a better crue ...POseOnE...KoMErOnE...AND thAt CRaZy TiMEr CaT...Ha hA... to all the ANZACS that sacrificed their lives to make AUSTRALIA THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD..lest we forget.(NEXT GENERATION DONT EVER EVER FORGET IT.) ANYONE appreciate's life...GET OUT THERE!..