About Me
DIARY OF A MAD ETHNIC POP SINGER-DNEVNIK LUDE FOLKLORNO-POP PJEVACICE(I have 2 different versions for you guys, one in ENGLISH and one for my friends overseas in a strange mix of slavic languages as I see fit, so If you prefer it in its DALMATIAN version (mostly?!), please scroll all the way down). I'm going to continue the story in my Blog, so click there if interested.( Pisem na dva (oli ti ga sedam) razlicita jezika. Prva verzija je na engleskom za frendove u ovdje, druga na mojoj mjesavini dalmatinskog dijalekta i svih ostalih jezika u nas, po potrebi. Ako ne zelite citati na engleskom, potrazite dalmosku verziju pri dnu ove stranice).Nastavak shhhtorije je u Blog-u,hehe!!964 - Might as well be 1888, I was born in the old Split Hospital, that specialized in just that (birthing), and was located next to the old Hajduk stadium, in the heart of the city. Since My mom and dad were so VERY young and mom was still going to college, at six months old, I went to college with her. I effectively became her College mascot and she had so many "babysitters" for me there that you would not believe it. There were so many hippies in colleges there in the sixties and my mom was naturally part of that scene. Hippies under socialism did not do drugs; They were simply a bunch of young people who dressed in kaftans, smoked a lot of cigarettes, hung out and helped each other study or whatever. This motley crew took care of me, taught me how to walk, talk and love other people. I cannot get rid of their influence on me to this day. I wish I could hate bad people, but I can't -I don't know how. Pretty silly, no? I really wish I could give back to the bad ones but I can't stay angry long enough to carry it out. I start feeling sorry for them. So I don't get the world-So what? I am the richest person in the world as I have the best bunch of friends and family that ever existed: my mom Vera and dad Boro, my wonderful brother Zoka, my husband Pete (who is my biggest influence and best friend), my little man Tony (who just turned seven), great in-laws Stanka and Svetko, my circle of musician(and non-musician) friends back in the old country and here. I cannot possibly ask for more! I have everything I ever wanted! My friends are black, white, green, gay, straight and mixed, Filipino, American, Nigerian, Macedonian, Croatian and Serbian, etc... Whatever! If you are into that nationalism or racism crap, please fuck off !!!1969 - at five years old, I started classical ballet classes at the Ballet Studio in my city-Split, Dalmatia. Both of my "teachers" were Prima Ballet Dancers
( Mr.Franjo Horvat, who later became Director of the Zagreb Ballet and former Ms. Anci Mladinic, one of the greatest female dancers I have ever seen ). My mom took me to the studio as I used to dance around the house the whole day long and annoy everyone. When Mr. Horvat saw me dancing at the Studio, he sat on the floor holding his stomach, crying and laughing at the same time. I was just a fat little five year old. Well my mom thought that's it- they are not going to admit me to ballet classes. She went up to Mr Horvat and said "Thanks for giving us a chance"and was about to leave when my future teacher said:" Ms. Nikolovska, if you cannot afford to pay for your daughter's classes, "I wish to teach her for free-would you please let her stay?" My mom was in shock but happily agreed to pay for the classes.1971 - I got my first chance to dance in a play called "Aida" and danced for the theater in Split for the next 8 years, untill 1980. I was also admitted into first grade at the age of seven. When my mom tried to enroll me a year before I was initially declined; the school staff could not believe that I was 6 years old and thought that my mom had exchanged my birth certificate with some older kid's to be able to get me in sooner. At six, with ballet and all, I looked like a little stick w/ legs- I was the smallest kid in the classroom. However, I was also the strongest, including the boys. So... at seven, when I already knew how to read, write and do math, I was admitted to the first grade to learn how to read, write and do math! When the staff finally realized what I could do and what I knew, they placed me in all kinds of activities and competitions.1st to 8th grade: short runs athletic competitions, gymnastics competitions, Republic and Federal school acting competitions ( those I won each and every year until I left elementary school!), art competitions (My pictures ended up being printed in the school art books all the time), etc. So, between Ballet and school and taking care of my younger bro Zoran and all, I had no time for fun, even tho' some of the stuff I did was fun too. Oh, and I forgot I got myself kicked out of the school choir!!! I was not good enough!1980 - I had to stop this nonsense!? I was tired, fed up-It felt like I was breathing thru a straw! Started going out with my friends, secretly smoking, had a first (kind of) boyfriend Marka, went to high school and quit everything else. I went punk! Dyed my hair green, shaved my eyebrows, wore makeup and jeans with holes and hand patches on my ass. I was a disgrace to my dad, professors and other "normal" teenagers. Wanted to go to Art College and become an artist . ( All education, including Colleges and Medical were covered by the Government back then- FREE FOR ALL, even tourists!!! Talk about socialism being bad!? Of course my dad would not hear of it. All of his family is employed in either medical or educational professions and his dream for me was to become "something", certainly not an artist "on drugs"( because all artists are on drugs according to him). How did HE know? Anyways, I gave in instead of standing my ground and ended up enrolling in Veterinary College. Yuk!! Did not like it a bit and quit after two years. People sometimes suck so much!: they used to bring us puppies to the college veterinary station to put them to sleep!!!? We students begged to take them home, so all of us had at least three dogs each staying w/ us at home while trying to find good homes for them or we just kept them. Dogs are good people too, just can't talk!1982 - I discovered music!! No one ever got a Nobel prize for that!? I started singing around the house and my perfect pich dad complained. Said I cannot sing and to let it go. I said- "wanna bet"? He said- "yeah, I'll buy you a year's supply of chocolates if they admit you to any Amateur Singers Contest". So I went and found one and got admitted. And won all of them too (And I got my year's supply of chocolates). It's my favorite food. As a Croatian Republic Competition of amateur singers (caled "Prvi Pljesak")winner of 1982', I was supposed to give my debut performance at the 1983 Split Song Festival.I won "Prvi pljesak"and recorded my first solo song- "Opusti se"-composer was Tonci Huljic. We've recorded another version and put it on"Kokolo" album latter. I also got my first 3 years record deal offer from "Jugoton", today "Croatia Records", for a solo album. A composer was assigned to work with me; write an original song and record it. Having to work w/ an unknown singer did not sit well w/ him from the beginning but more importantly, he also did not like having to pay a better-known singer to record his demo tracks. So... I ended up recording something like 7 demo songs for him. When the Split Song Festival commitee accepted three of these songs into the competition, my composer friend quickly changed his mind. All of a sudden he claimed he did not like my voice and that I wouldn't get to perform at the festival at all ( funny enough, he loved my voice when we were recording tho'). Hmm.... At the same time, festival director Miroslav Something also informed me that I wasn't to perform either-( I had come to my interview dressed in jeans and a ponytail so obviously I wasn't serious enough!) Man, are they all cuckoo or am I? F@..$%K the Split Song Festival!!, it was all for fun and chocolates anyways.
Around this time there were some musicians from a well known local band called "Magazin", who were on the lookout for a new singer. They had had several good singers before who kept quitting after a year or two (I did eventually find out why after 8 years with the band). So ok, I'm not a quitter, but I digress. "Magazin" had found a new singer already. The problem was, she could not sing in the studio; they had been in the studio for three days trying to get her to sing at all but the poor girl seemed to suffer from "microphonitis". That singer happened to be Ana Sasso, who was Miss Yugoslavia of 1981 (which was the major reason she was chosen in the first place). As it happened for me, Zeljko Baricic happened to be a judge at one of the competitions I won, and I already worked with Huljic on "Opusti se", so I was invited into the studio to record a couple of songs with Magazin. It took us something like an hour and to make a long story short I ended up as their lead singer first for one project,album "Kokolo" but since it became huge seller and hit, I stayed for another project and another....for the next 8 years! I declined my solo record offer from "Jugoton". We became the best selling band of all time, year after year, album after album. Some sold like free candy, while others flopped and were played only by friends and relatives. I recorded 7 albums with "Magazin" and my former record company is still releasing "greatest hits" collections to this day (they don't even tell me about it anymore). I had all kinds of gold records, platinum ones, diamond ones, double platinums, double birds- all of which I turned over to my parents (My dad was especially proud of me). Something like 2 years into the war in Croatia, a man named Slaven Kutlaca usurped our house ( Croatian law lets people do that if the usurper has a Croatian last name and the victim does not), and destroyed all of my dad's prized records. I imagine he thought they were made of real platinum and diamonds, but realizing that they were not he proceeded to throw them all from the seventh floor of our skyscraper condo. Luckily enough he didn't kill any passersby. We've spent the last 14 years in court over there in order to get our home back; all the while several different people were living in there (even our judge's first cousin), sleeping on our beds, eating at our table and using our phone number. All to no avail. As a former Croatian president once said:" DEMOCRACY !? YES! But NOT for EVERYONE!" I guess, Nikolovski is not a name you should have if you live there. My mom had to leave in the middle of the night hiding in the luggage compartment of a bus, with a broken leg and several cigarette burns on her body. She was a big-shot there at the time and would not agree to sign a "black list" document which would've meant execution for many of her colleagues and their families. That decision eventually put her and my little brother on the same black list. I however, was considered a "good Croatian" (as well as my dad) and we weren't placed on the execution list. Shot in the head in the middle of the night and put into big trash containers- that's how, I've been told, some of the families from the "black lists"were later found. In trash containers! Children too, people!! I've promised some of my fans to add something to this, as they complained that I've made everybody in Croatia look like criminals?! That is and was not my intention. There are good people and bad people everywhere, regardless of nationality or collor. The fact that part of our government is, or was nationalistic, does not mean that the rest of the Croatians and others who live there are the same! I have a lot of friends and fans there to this day and they feel the same and deserve better?! I don't care about our house anymore. Home is where people love you and you love back. My family is safe now. There is no obvious war there anymore. Not an obvious one I say. So...here in San Pedro, I am at home again. Back to the normal stuff...Over the years, the "Magazin" line-up included the following members (albeit under several band name changes):"Mladi Batali", "Dalmatinski Magazin", and "Magazin":DRUMS-
?- 1983
-Zoran Marinkovic, great vocalist, handsome, good guy. left the band a year or so after I came in. Married the singer before me, Marija Kuzmic.1983-present
-Ante Miletic- Drummer (and manager). True friend, awesome drummer and an all-around great guy.GUITAR
-Zeljko Baricic, a real prince of an individual who insisted that everyone refer to him as the"Chief" (with a straight face). He handled the business end of the band; money, contracts, gigs etc. A real dick (to say the least). He eventually lost that position to my good friend and Magazin drummer Ante Miletic (probably one of the only three honest managers I have ever known in that country) after I had left the band in the early 90's;KEYBOARD
- Tonci Huljic, funny and witty, who later started composing all of our songs. Everyone thought he was a junkie(probably due to the big dark circles around his eyes). He was a vitamin C junkie- not much else. Huge Goran Bregovic fan. Smart, fun to work with, great sense of humor- loves money more than anything else in the world and has an undying passion for fame and power (and gets it).2nd KEYBOARD
- Miro Crnko. Introduced Huljic to the band. Could not play a note without song charts- even after 20 years of playing the same shit every day. Became the bands gofer (aka assistant) ha, ha! Have I mentioned that I have a BIG mouth yet ??BASS
-Nenad Vesanovic-Keko- a guy who has been building the same house for the last 30 years. Measured our success by how much building supplies he could buy w/ the money that he made from the band. Became extremely sensitive as to the origins of his last name- persistently claiming that his mom's last name was PURE CROATIAN, OLD FAMILY etc., when all the nationalistic bullshit became popular back in Croatia. Feel sorry for the guy. Solid bass player though."Magazin" SINGERS- (Years are approximate):1970's - Under the old band name "Mladi batali":-Zeljan Radman (bass guitar and lead vocal);-Meri Cetinic, Oliver Dragojevic, Durdica Barlovic (temporary lead and backup vocals);1970-1982- Under the name"Dalmatinski magazin":-Majda Jazbec, and after her-Marija Kuzmic
( Mare later married our former drumer Z. Marinkovic, former singer of the first version of the band "More" (I'm a huge fan of their first album) along with Oliver, M. Cetinic, Tedi Spalato, Jasmin Stavros aka Milo Vasic and Branka Something);1982-1990-"Magazin"
-Ljiljana Nikolovska (Nikoloski, Nikolovski).Confused? - I'll clear this up later...MY ALBUMS WITH "MAGAZIN":1983'- "KOKOLO", A) Luciana, Nisam tvoj, Opusti se, Sapuce tama, Miss
B) Kokolo, Pismo, Abrakadabra, Mrva, sasavo moje;
1984'- "O LA LA", A) Nikola, Dobro jutro, Ivana, Mama mia, Kunigunda
B) Paperino, Jagode sa slagom, Lude godine, Ti postala
si tata, Kao nekad;
1985'- "PISI MI", A) Tamara, Oko moje sanjivo, Dvije suze, Istambul,
B) Pisi mi, Sve je plavo, Vrati mi vrati sve, Spomenar,
Sapni mi;
1986'- "PUT PUTUJEM"
A) Put putujem, Sanjam, Nakon monogo godina, Zna
srce zna, Idi ( Kuda idu vlakovi )
B) Sve bi seke ljubile mornare, Boli me, Natasa, Dva
zrna grozda, Igraju igraju, Odlazak;
1987'- "MAGAZIN", A) Ti si zelja mog zivota, Propjevat' ce svi, Uvenut ce
ruzmarin, Amadeus, Kako sam te voljela (Bog neka
ti prosti grijehe)
B) Tri sam ti zime saptala ime, Sve bi me curice ljubile,
Manuela, Stani stani, Idu dani;
1988'- "BESANE NOCI"
A) Besane noci, Suze krijem one padaju, Kad u vojsku
podes, Moja je draga sad drugome zena, Poljupci
B) 'Ej ponoci, Pa nek' zivi rad, Ema, Oci crne oci lazne.
Sto te nema bar da svratis;
1989/90'- "DOBRO JUTRO"
A) Ali baba, Ljube se dobri losi zli, Na selu, Sijaj zvijezdo
Danice, Balkanska ulica
B) Rano ranije, Dobro jutro, Svenut' cu ti kao ruza, Cekala
je jedna zena, S kim' si mila sinoc bila, Povratak;1991'- "NAJVECI HITOVI,1983-1990",double CD(wil add songs later)1993'- "NAJBOLJE GODINE,SA LJILJANOM NIKOLOSKI",reissued double CD from
1991'(will add song list later)1995'/96'- "LET", SOLO ALBUM, Croatia Records- The record company for some reason did everything they could to make this album not succeed (posed a threat to someone?). Just found out that the final CD's were mastered and pressed in MP3 format!?, so they tried to mess up the sound quality as well. To add insult to injury, when the album started to sell pretty well they simply stopped printing any more copies of it! A week after the first release, the whole Cro.rec went on vacation! (Oliver Dragojevic told us he reordered the cd 4 times for his music shop in Split and never got any sent. His was just one of many shops that we've heard from.) Well, I am glad now-there are some of the materials from that CD that I adore and it does need to be recorded again with more singing and less screaming on my part. I'll be posting the songs up on this site little by little as we remake them, so download them to your heart's content and please leave me some comments. Eventually I am going to add new stuff to some of these remakes and release them on my own at (NIKOLOVSKA.COM ).1996' - CD "LET") Eto mi ga na, Tvoje ime, Pismo, Hannah, Kazna,
Drago mi je, Pisi pisi mi, Ako casa pukne, Let,
Kako sam te voljela, Nora, Sedmi dan, Pismo 3;1998'- "SVI NAJVECI HITOVI", (songs to be added later)2003'- "SVI NAJVECI HITOVI,1983-1990"-(reissue again!?!, will add songs later)2006'-Croatia records just reissued some of my old albums a month or so ago
but I have not seen it yet. Did not even receive a copy of that one (or any of
the previous ones either). Congrats to Cro.Records for that!?TO BE CONTINUED IN MY BLOG, GOT TO GO FEED MY LITTLE MAN TONY, HA!....DALMATINSKA VERZIJA-IME: Ljiljana Nikolovska
-MJESTO RODJENJA: SPLIT,DALMACIJAUpravo saznala da je Index.hr sajt,koji je onako pokrao i izokrenio moj tekst odavde, Huljiceva ekipa ljudi za reklamu projekata na kojima Tonci radi.Da im ostavite negativni komentar o tome na sajtu,biti ce izbrisan isti dan, haha! Hvala Huljicu i ekipi na sporkom clanku i besplatnoj reklami ovog i mog buduceg NIKOLOVSKA.COM sajta!!! He he!!! A sad prica:S pet godina sam krenula na balet u Baletnom Studiju Split i s njima plesala za HNK Split i na Splitskim ljetnim igrama, jedanaest godina. Moj prvi nastup je bio u opereti Aida, kao jedan od sest crncica robova, koji zabavljaju princezu. Od seste do cetrnaeste godine zivota su se zaredali nastupi i pobjede na natjecanjima glumaca amatera, baletne predstave, rukometna, gimnasticka i likovna natjecanja za skolu. Sa sesnaest godina sam "pukla ka' tikva" i prestala se baviti svim osim amaterskim slikanjem, rosulama i citanjem. I deckima, naravno. Sa sesnaest pocinjem pjevati, iz opklade i zabave. 82'-ge pobjedjujem na festivalu pjevaca amatera Hrvatske i grupa Magazin me kontaktira u vezi suradnje na pjesmi Kokolo i nastupu na Splitskom festivalu 83'.U isto vrijeme sam pozvana na suradnju s nekim drugim Splitskim bendovima i kompozitorima, ali se Magazin prvi javio i imao je najsimpa pjesmu-Kokolo! Jedan od kompozitora, ime nije vrijedno spomena, kojemu sam tada danima pomagala snimiti brdo pjesama za slanje na festivale i s cijom sam kao solistica trebala nastupiti na Splitu 83', mi je pri zavrsenom snimanju porucio da mu se bas i ne svidja moj glas i da ce za iste pjesme uzeti puno poznatiju pjevacicu (Meri Separovic), a ne mene, da mu ih izvede na festivalu.Hvala ti prijatelju!!! Te godine su se u Splitu okupile studijske ekipe svih bivsih Jugoslavenskih TV centara. Svaki centar je medijski pokrivao cijelo podrucje bivse SFRJ jednom tjedno, pa su se razmjenjivali. Direktor TV Skopja je tada bio kolega s muzicke akademije moga oca, gospodin Dime Masevski. Kada je cuo kako se prezivam, poceo me je ispitivati i kada je shvatio tko mi je tata, snimio je za Magazin pet ( a ne jedan,koliko im je bilo dozvoljeno) TV spotova i svaki vikend kada je TV Skopje pokrivalo cijelu zemlju, nisi nista drugo mogao vidjeti na televiziji osim nas. Prije crtica, poslije crtica, prije dnevnika, nakon dnevnika, u sred reklame za zube, svakih sat vremena se na televiziji vrtila Ljilja i Magazin. Degutantno. I tako, moj prvi album u Magazinu se prodao u preko 150.00 kopija u prva tri mjeseca prodaje. Nakon raznih turneja po seoskim domovima, hotelima i maturalnim zabavama ( nije da nismo probali napuniti Splitsku dvoranu Gripe, ali smo prodali svih 800 karata u sali od 6.000 mjesta), uslijedio je rad u studiju Tetrapak, s Pipim za pultom i Zaljkom Brodaricem-Japom kao producentom. Album iz 1984'te smo nazvali "O la la". Sada smo vec bili direktna konkurencija Novim Fosilima i pokojni Moka iz Fosila je to ozbiljno shvatio. Moka je bio siva eminencija "Jugoton"-a i kao stari i iskusni vuk, znao je kako bez puno napora zakociti neciji projekat ( stvari kojih sam se ja trebala sjetiti kada sam se pojavila u "Croatia Records" 96'te s novim materijalima, ali o tome poslije!?). Kao prvo, svaki omot za novi album, oli ti ga CD danas, moze proci kroz dva kanala- sluzbeni i propisni ili nesluzbeni, koji se koristi u vecini projekata. Sluzbeni put je da se nove slike i omoti predaju na probni tisak, ili ti ga stampu. Onda se vraca kod urednika na provjeru i odobrenje. Onda urednik ode na godisnji odmor, ako ga neko lijepo zamoli, prije nego odobri davanje materijala u tisak. Dok se doticni vrati s godisnjeg, pjesme su se vec prodavale na festivalskim plocama i vrtile na radijima i nakon mjesec dana dodju novi izvidjaci s novim pjesmama koje se isto tako vrte i ti ostanes na suhom sa sada vec pomalo starim materijalom. Ne da ti je omot albma jos uvijek odobren! I tako to, album "O la la" smo prodali samo znancima i prijateljima, ponekom clanu rodbine, mozda. Rodbina ocekuje da im poklonis, naravno.I tako, 1984 nam je bila "gladna" godina. Negdje u to vrijeme je Tonci Huljic cuo za producenta Matu Dosena, jer sve sto se po radijima vrtilo su bile pjesme is njegove radionice ( Zora je od Novkovica i Nede ukraden, Novi Fosili, Miso Kovac, itd.) i zamolio ga za sastanak. Napravili smo probne snimke za novi album, koji je Tonci odnio Dosenu na preslusavanje i tu se sklopio dogovor o novoj suradnji. Odlucili smo poslati pjesmu "Pisi, pisi mi" na Zagreb Fest 85'. Jesmo se smrzli te godine u Zagrebu, dalmosi nenavikli na snijeg i bunde! Siromasni muzicari bez love za kupit' bunde. Najjeftiniji hotel koji smo mogli naci (hotel Jadran) i rucak u menzi, dva bloka dalje. Za vrijeme Zagreb Festa 85' smo u isto vrijeme snimali cijeli novi album "Pisi, pisi mi". Cijeli bend je tada dosao u Zagreb: Ante Miletic -(moj dragi prijatelj, bubnjar i sadasnji manager Magazina, vjerovatno jedan od tri postena menadjera u nas),Miro Crnko-(druge klavijature i potrcko benda), Nenad Vesanovic-Keko-(basista i prateci vokal, covjek koji vec sto godina gradi istu kucu).Zeljko Baricic-(gitara i prateci, a ponekad i lead vokal, koji je uvijek insistirao da ga svi zovu Sefe, jer je tada vodio nase poslove, ne bas sjajno, ali i o tome poslije), Tonci Huljic-(klavijature i novopeceni kompozitor benda, za kojega su svi mislili da se drogira, zbog velikih podocnjaka oko ociju, a tip se je drogirao samo C-vitaminima) i moja malenkost, Ljiljana Nikolovska-( glavni i prateci vokal, cura koja se nije znala obuci za scenu da joj je zivot ovisio o tome). Kako smo imali dva clana u bendu koji se nisu javno exponirali- Miro je od onih kojih se mala djeca boje kada ih ugledaju, pa pocnu plakat' a Ante je bio previse sramezljiv za biti u prvom redu na sceni, tako smo ih zamolili neka stoje kraj glasackih kutija na Zagreb Festu i prate kuda idu glasacki listici i kutije na kraju u dvorani Lisinski. Vecina listica je ubacena u nase glasacke kutije, ali su prije sluzbenog prebrojavanja nestale bez traga i glasa, i cijelih 45 minuta nitko nije znao gdje su! Kada su se napokon pojavile na prebrojavanju, nase su bile prazne, a kutije neke Naumovske pune! Ta nije dobila ni sedam pravih glasova. Kada krades glasove bar budi jedan od favorita a ne zadnji na listi. Oliver Mlakar je bio voditelj festivala i poceo najavljivati trecu nagradu publike- ne sjecam se vise tko je to bio. Onda su nam dosli u garderobu reci neka se pripremimo izaci na scenu, jer da smo dobili drugu nagradu publike. Dogovorili smo se da cemo izaci samo do ulaznih vrata, tako da nas Mlakar vidi, ali da necemo uzeti nagradu. Oliver nas je vidio na vratima, ali publika nije mogla, pa je ponovio: "Drugu nagradu publika dodjeljuje grupi Magazin...", a mi i dalje stojimo na ulazu za stage. Mlakar se malo zbunio, ali profesionalac kakav je, malo se nasalio i ponovio spiku, nakon cega smo se mi lezerno vratili u garderobu. Ne daj se zbuniti, veliki mrmor u publici, znaju da se nesto dogadja ali ne znaju sta, Oliver najavi pobjednicu veceri, Naumovsku, koja izade otpjevati pobjednicku pjesmu. Za vrijeme dok je pjevala, nekih 3 minute koliko traje pjesma, publika je pocela vikati, sada su shvatili zbog cega se nismo pojavili primiti drugu nagradu, poceli su se dizati:"Vrati lovu, sramota, uuuuuuuuuuu, i slicno.Cijeli Lisinski je bio prazan dok je Numovska jos uvijek pjevala svoju pobjednicku. I tako se dogodio Skandal Magazin, koji nam je dao vise vjetra u krila neko bilo tko na estradi. Album "Pisi,pisi mi" je Jugoton izdao bez "sluzbenih" kanala, na brzinu se stancalo i izbacivalo u ducane. Mislim da je ovaj album bio nas prvi zlatni, platinasti, dijamantni i zlatni djetlic ( njega se dobijalo za tiraz od preko 350.000 prodanog albuma. By the way, pjesma "Pisi,pisi mi" je malo uzeta od "Stary, stary night" i "Zora je svanula". Skoro sve nase pjesme su radjene na taj nacin: Tonci ili ja bi ubacili ideju, pricali bi o pjesmama koje nam se svidjaju. Onda bi on uzeo dio refrena od jedne ili samo tri najljepsa akorda od druge. Ili bi dio nekog velikog hita odsvirao unazad, s kraja na pocetak. Ponekad bi samo uzeo fraziranje teksta i promijenio dva akorda. Onda bi se pronasla jednostavna i ubjedljiva fraza oko koje bi Neno Nincevic izgradio tekst na vec gotov demo. Jedna od mojih omiljenih pjesama u to vrime je bila ona od Cole-"Jedna zima s Kristinom", je se u njoj spominju vlakovi. Tako smo dobili vlakove u pjesmi "Idi". Na slijedecem albumu je to bila pjesma koju bi ja s mojom ekipom u kaficu pjevala, stara dalmatinska pisma, koju je Hulja skoro doslovno skinio-"Tija bi te zaboravit" i od toga je nastala pjesma "Bog neka ti prosti grijehe". Ali o tome se odavno pricalo po Dalmaciji, nista novo. Tako rade pametni,pa i mi,hehe!? Moja mama se bavila amaterski pjevanjem, jer je moj makedonski dida Kosta naucio veliki broj starih pjesama, od kojih neke cak nitko nikada nije snimio, do dan danas. Tako sam voljela ubaciti i malo toga starog folklora u pjevanju i dobili smo spoj koji se svidio velikom broju ljudi.
Godina 1986' nam je oznacila jos nekoliko prekretnica- prvo smo dobili izvrsnog producenta. To vam je onaj koji pronade lovu za sve projekte, turneje i slicno. Godinu prije, dok smo nakon nekakvog TV snimanja u Beogradu, veceravali u restoranu na Skadarliji, pridje nam neki tip, visok, plav,djecije lice s bradom, i kaze: "Ja sam Sasa Alex, vas buduci izvrsni producent". Ostali smo sokirani cijelu minutu, a onda smo se svi poceli smijati. Jos jedan zajebant. Covik ni pet ni sest, nego sjedne za nas stol, ne pitajuci smije li. Sad se vec mislimo je li dovoljno lud da ima negdje skriveni pistolj i tko ce prvi zbrisati sa stola, a drugi za njim. Pita Sasa 'ko je sef grupe, a Zeljko pobilio u licu. Govori Alex:"Vidim da mislite da sam neki sarlatan? Evo vam moj prijedlog: raditi cu godinu dana za vas besplatno, i ako na kraju te godine odlucite da sam vam nepotreban, nikom nista. Ali ako odlucite da sam vam koristan, zelim postati ravnopravan sedmi clan benda, zelim procenat od ploca i turneja?!" Alex je bio izvrsni Magazina sve dok ja nisam otisla iz benda, do 1990'te. Ili je mozda otisao godinu nakon toga, ali je uvijek ostao Toncev prijatelj. Ostatak benda, iskljucujuci mene, ga nije volio, svatko iz svojih razloga, iako je bas Alex otvorio vrata preostalih podrucja bivse Juge grupi Magazin. Navescu vam samo jedan ili dva primjera kako nas je uvukao u studija i na velike turneje. nedugo nakon tog prvog razgovora u restoranu, zove nas Sasa da dodjemo u neki Beogradski TV Studio, jer da cemo biti gost u nekoj poznatoj muzickoj emisiji. Skupimo mi nesto one nase crkavice za avionske karte i dodjemo tamo. Eto nas sa svim kuferima i instrumentima ispred studija, a portir kaze da ne mozemo unutra, jer da se snima i da mi nismo na popisu izvodjaca! Stojimo mi tako, umorni, smrzli i usput vec i gladni, kad evi ti naseg Alexa kako dolazi. Odmah iza njega dolazi Bajaga sa svojom ekipom. Kaze Sasa Bajagi:"Vidi sad ovo, kakva bruka i sramota, doveli ljude cak iz Splita na snimanje, a sada im kazu kako nisu na listi!!? Daj mi pomozi brate, ako znas?! Sramota ziva!!" A Bajaga ka' Bajaga, dobar ka' kruv, ode u studio, kaze reziseru da on odustaje od snimanja i da neka stavi nas na njegovo mjesto. Vrati se Bajaga ispred zgrade studija i jos nam pomogne nostiti i kenjkeriti instrumente u garderobu. Na kraju smo saznali da Sasa nikada nije ni dobio poziv za nase gostovanje u tom studiju, od pocetka je sve radio na blef!! Car??! Povezao nas je s velikim brojem lokalnih menadjera ( ako radite veliku turneju, njih ne mozete zaobici), od kojih nas je vecina pokrala, neki samo sto nam nisu skinuli hlace s nogu, ali, da nije bilo toga, nikada nas tolika publika ne bi upoznala i nikada se toliki tirazi ploca ne bi prodali. Bez toga ne bi bilo Magazina kao siroko-nacionalnog benda kakav je onda bio. Zbog glede toga, kako se na novom hrvatskom kaze(lol), se album "Put putujem" iz 1986'te prodao u 670.000 primjeraka do kraja 87'e. Dupli zlatni djetlic i preko toga. Sve je te nagrade moj tata cuvao i glancao, da bi nam 92'-ge godine, kada mi je tata otsao na sahranu barbi u Skopje, neki Slaven Kutlaca iz Splita upao u stan, porazbijao sve albume ( valjda je covik mislio da su napravljeni od prave platine i dijamanata??), pa kada je skuzio da nisu, sve pobacao kroz prozor sedmog kata iz naseg stana. Jos uvijek smo na sudu za nas stan, vec evo 14 godina. Na sudu kazu da nasih 27 svjedoka lazu?! A u stanu nam je do nedavno , stanovao prvi rodjak sutkinje Ljubicic, koja vodi nas sutski proces.Ha!! Zivija zakon!! Nikolovski nije, izgleda, prezime koje je dobro imati u "slobodnoj Hrvatskoj"? Mislim zbog onog dijela birokracije kojoj je drago bit cistokrvan, ha ha!? Velika vecina ljudi u nas je normalni svakodnevni i nesvakodnevni svit. Ali zbog tih "nekoliko" u vladi i birokraciji ne izgledamo kao dobri i pametni ljudi, kakvih je na tone u nas! Prije mjesec dana su napokon promijenili sutkinju, vjerovatno "kao fol"? A mozda grijesim, vidicemo? OK. Ajmo dalje, s glazbom oli muzikom. Nicija ne gori zauvijek! Greske cu ispraviti sutra,nije li nesto slicno rekla Scarlet O'Hara iz "Prohujalo sa vihorom"?