Playin' Guitar, Writing music, Reading, Anything having to do with art. Getting Tattooed, Whskey, Cigarettes and Pabst Blue Ribbon, Hangin' out with my sisters and my nieces, Red Meat, An Occasional Fistfight, The Oregon Coast, Punk Rock, Rockabilly, Psychobilly and Outlaw country shows in sleazy dive bars, Doing anything outside or with my hands.
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The Dry Fuckin' County Crooks, baby!!! Johnny Cash, Social Distortion, The fuckin' reverend, Otis Redding, Ray Charles, The Beatsteaks, The Clash, Necromantix, Tiger Army, Eddie Cochrane, The Animals, Billy Idol, Buddy Holly, Stray Cats, The Cars, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Carl Perkins, Swingin' Utters, The Living End, The Ramones, A Wilhelm Scream, Pulley, Howlin' Wolf, The Highwaymen, Patsy Cline, Avail, None More Black, The Misfits, Siouxee and the Banshees, Sick City Daggers, The Cramps, Alley Dukes, Blondie, Neil Young, The Bouncing Souls, Atmosphere, Mouthwash, Dead Kennedys, The Chop Tops, The Rumblejets, Brutally Frank, Johnny Mercury, Blood Moon Howlers, The Dwarves, 12 Step Rebels, Street Dogs, Three bad Jacks, I Can Lick Any Sonofabitch In The House, Tommy Allsup, Cryptkeeper 5, Blazing Haley, Husker Du, Ok, there's the very tip of the iceberg.
Mob flicks, war movies, Taxi Driver, comedies, Crossroads (the one with Ralph Maccio, not Britney Spears for fuck's sake!), Stand By Me, 80's flicks (so what!?), Documentaries, and anything I can learn from. (mindless entertainment aside.)
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The History Channel, The Sopranos, The Discovery Channel, Adult Swim except for the fuckin' anime.
Anything I can get my hands on.
Mr t and this here masturbating kitten.
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