Dj eMunE profile picture

Dj eMunE

DjEmuNe kiD

About Me

i live next to uncg wit my gurl frienD,and play rugby, generally there is more beer then food ,and im adicted to ramen nodizzles,and cold beer,u kan even cook em in beer, ne ways the name is d0N wit a capital N, so qwit slouchin fools,and i can make a mean pizza y0!

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

kuttin wrekords

Add to My Profile | More VideosTurnTaBlES, hip H0p,r0ad sodAs,dollar drafts,$3 pitchers,eseNtrik gurlS,union square,skratch,Fatbeats,washingt0n square parek--- JOE''id go to albany with you if it was 5 dollars each way and i didnt just buy a dime''..

img src=" a/adriana_lima12.jpg"height="500"width-"150".........

I'd like to meet:

dEf already met hEr! and sum hoes that work at victorias secret , so they can hook us up with the giant underwear modle banners for the house



hip hop, 80s retro, ne thing on vinyl



the warriors, dmc battlE jointS, skribble jams, ne type of turntablisM vide0 i kan get my fingAz 0n,beat street, style wars, juice !.........


turn table tv,.........


img src="http://xss.xss/xss.jpg" x='


chicken parm is always go0d

My Blog

dj jaks dj emune

Posted by Dj eMunE on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 10:04:00 PST