About Me[=
" align="left" hey everyone imCORRIEi was born june 24i love shopping im pretty newso whore me outmusic is my life and i love my friends andcookies and french and emo hair!i have 3 bros and no siters:[but i got my dog cinimini!hahaand i play with her alot!in school theres no popualr group i dont really care about
that stuff i like were im at with my friends no need to pretendi doo hang out with my friends alot and do really funstuff im wild and crazy so wacth out!lmao j.koh and i love my cousin ashley or umm nessa i guess(hyper ninja)lol
i really hate wen people get mad.and if anybodies ever mad plz tell me cuz i wanna help u.i hate nasty guys and pervert .i hate cocky people too that rub things in ur face.if u have anymore questions plz im here for yas :]im uderstanding and i like to help so anything at all just tell mei hate disrespect if u can show me respect ill give it tou back if not dont tlk to me;]hehe hmmm welll i have aloto to sayI think I'm pretty cool..and i am.I have a best friend named michelle.ily!I have a puppy named cinimini :].i hate liveing in ummmmm forget that part :].Drawing on my hands is a hobby, emoness i s hawtI think I'm happy.I'm boy crazy. Find me a cute boy && my flirt mode goes on. mostly emo i love emo boys!I only have a few real friends maybe like 6 :]Everyone else bails out on me.&& it also seems to me that guys are more popular than girls.And some people don't like making new buds.i love and im new so once again whore me out!:].I love new friends.I love insiders. && I love including other people in it.I'm very nice, but mess with me and I'll make your life hell.This list goes on and on.Make me mad and I'll be swearing like a gangster.I ramble on about random things because generally I'm a random person.I like to sing/dance.I like to draw.I also like to talk.I love High School Musical.I can say I love You in 3 languages =/.I change my name if i want.I'm single ;].And I'll only date if I think you're funny in a retarded way.cuz i like to laugh.I love how immature guys are.It's so funny how they think they're funny.singing is something I enjoy.It's so cool to see how retarded people can be.even tho its meanChristmas/halloween is my favorite time of year.I love it, period.Halloween scares me.im tlking alot but its ok :]Go drop a comment.[:I love smileys.the end
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